Trump Fans and Foes Compete for Last Word as Former President Surrenders at Manhattan Courthouse

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Pro- and anti-Trump protesters competed for attention outside the criminal court in downtown Manhattan as the former president surrendered to authorities for arrest and arraignment Tuesday after his indictment by District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

The development comes amid New York prosecutors’ investigation into Trump’s connection to a hush-money payment made to porn actress Stormy Daniels.

Pro and anti-Trump protesters shout slogans at each other across an NYPD barricade by the Manhattan criminal courthouse.
Pro and anti-Trump protesters shout slogans at each other across an NYPD barricade by the Manhattan criminal courthouse.

Demonstrators banged drums, blew whistles, and shouted slogans while scores of NYPD officers stood guard on the periphery.

Wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat, a man who said he’s an attorney called Bragg’s targeting of Trump an “abomination.” The Department of Justice and FBI have also been weaponized against conservatives under the Biden administration, he said.

Bragg has come under fire for his lax law enforcement policies, such as bail reform, that critics say are fueling already soaring crime in the Big Apple. A group of native New Yorker immigrants and minorities, clad with patriotic gear, told National Review that Bragg is abdicating his duty to protect the citizens of the city by pursuing Trump’s prosecution.

“Especially in my community, every time you turn around, somebody’s getting shot,” an African-American man said. “Bragg should lock them up. He’s not doing his job. Are you sitting around having a sandwich all day? Get up off your a** and put these criminals in jail.”

Demonstrators hold signs agitating for Trump’s imprisonment following his prosecution by DA Alvin Bragg.
Demonstrators hold signs agitating for Trump’s imprisonment following his prosecution by DA Alvin Bragg.

In the morning, Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene showed up to join the rally, preparing to address the crowd of Trumpers, but only spoke briefly as she was quickly overwhelmed by the noise of anti-Trump protesters.

“This is election interference,” Greene said, the Daily News reported. “DA Alvin Bragg, he is the tool for the Democrats, he’s trying to hijack the 2024 election. This should never happen in America…They will come after you tomorrow.”

Greene then struggled through a mob of people to escape from the small stage to her getaway car. Disgraced Republican representative George Santos also made an appearance at the scene and met a similarly hostile welcome. He only stayed for about 30 minutes before leaving the area.

An Indian man who said he identifies as politically independent said Trump’s disproportionately punitive treatment should be denounced regardless of partisanship.

“I belong to the Constitution of the United States. This is what we’re fighting for. Everyone’s rights,” he said.

“Do you think we’re MAGA extremists?,” he asked, motioning to his friends’ racial backgrounds.

Trump’s opponents and fans were mostly divided by multiple NYPD barricades, preventing the unrest from escalating. Other attendees showed up to raise awareness for other serious problems, such as homelessness, plaguing New York City.

NYPD officers stand guard at the Manhattan courthouse in preparation for Trump’s arrival.
NYPD officers stand guard at the Manhattan courthouse in preparation for Trump’s arrival.

An African-American man, who said he is homeless, told National Review that the housing crisis is getting overlooked because Trump’s indictment is stealing the limelight.

“If we keep dealing with this Trump thing, we’re going to forget about the homeless people and the people that have to pay their rent every month, that keeps going up,” he said. “This is a distraction from the real issues.”

Some progressive protesters camped out with flags and speakers, yelling “F*** Donald Trump.” One sign read: “‘Murica of the rich white men, by the rich white men, for the rich white men. Not a real democracy yet.”

“Stop pretending your racism is patriotism,” another said. An enormous tarp that read, “Trump Lies All The Time,” lay on the ground.

A group of Asian individuals blasted Bragg’s record in their signage.

“Bragg above the law? Who will check Bragg’s misconduct bribery/tax fraud?,” one read.

“Bragg’s scam indictment is part of a DEM conspiracy,” another said.

Dennis, a man from the “Trump country” of Staten Island, holding a sign that compared Democrats to fascists, said of the former president: “He’s been fighting for us, for this country, and what have they been doing? They’ve been selling everything to Russia, China, anybody who can give them money.”

As he departed Trump Tower Tuesday afternoon for his arraignment at the courthouse scheduled for 2:15 p.m. EST, Trump updated his supporters on his social media platform, Truth Social.

“Heading to Lower Manhattan, the Courthouse. Seems so SURREAL- WOW they are going to ARREST ME. Can’t believe this is happening in America. MAGA!,” he wrote.

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