Trump news – live: Judge says Roger Stone's crimes should cause 'dismay and disgust' while lambasting president for 'totally inappropriate' tweets

Donald Trump addresses a rally crowd in Phoenix, Arizona: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters
Donald Trump addresses a rally crowd in Phoenix, Arizona: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Donald Trump is being ridiculed online after having the audacity to criticise Washington Post reporter Jennifer Rubin for making a typo in a tweet, the president being well known for regularly making ludicrous spelling errors in his own posts.

He has also been busy deriding his Democratic 2020 rivals on the campaign trail in Phoenix, Arizona, using a rally speech to push an election rigging conspiracy theory, call the FBI “dishonest scum” and complain that Conan, the US military’s war hero dog, “got more publicity” than him over the killing of Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Wednesday night’s event coincided with the opposition’s latest primary debate in Las Vegas, Nevada, where debutant Michael Bloomberg was attacked from all sides, with Elizabeth Warren characterising him as a “a billionaire who calls people fat broads and horse-faced lesbians”.

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