New Trump order leaves foreign students scrambling

International students in the U.S. are scrambling to figure out their plans for the fall semester.

The frenzy comes after a new Trump order Monday (July 6) -- saying foreign students must leave the country if their classes are fully virtual.

While it remains unclear just how many of them will be affected, there are currently more than a million foreign students at U.S. universities.

Kenyon College student Raul Romero is one of them.

While Kenyon is still planning on offering in-person instruction as of now, they have informed him he would have to leave the country if an outbreak forces them to suspend classes.

"My passport expires in January, I can't go back to Venezuela, there are no flights there and it's a very, very unsafe situation. It would put me at risk. It would put 8,000 more Venezuelan students under F-1 at risk and it would put thousands of other people who are from countries that are currently in humanitarian crises and that don't have any other place to go."

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement announcement blindsided many U.S. colleges, which are already struggling with how to safely resume classes during the global health crisis.

Several universities, including Harvard, have been quick to condemn the move on international students, which may force colleges to alter their plans.

Many schools depend on revenue from foreign students, who often pay full tuition.

Harvard announced Monday they would offer online-only classes, a decision which President Trump denounced at a press conference on Tuesday.

"I see what Harvard announced, that they're closing for the season or for the year. I think it's ridiculous. I think it's an easy way out. I think they ought to be ashamed of themselves."

Department of Homeland Security official Ken Cuccinnelli told CNN Tuesday the move on student visas would quote "encourage schools to reopen."

Business and conservative groups have urged reopening schools safely as important for getting parents back to work and reviving the U.S. economy.

But the resurgence of the health crisis in the U.S. - has raised concerns about the health risks to both students and teachers if in-person classes resume.