Trump touts poll showing decline in approval rating

President Trump punched Monday at one poll of his approval ratings while touting another. But the latter poll, by Fox News, showed him with a steadily declining performance rate.

“Just heard Fake News CNN is doing polls again despite the fact that their election polls were a WAY OFF disaster. Much higher ratings at Fox,” Trump tweeted.

The president, known to be an avid viewer of cable news, may have been responding to a Gallup poll that CNN covered Monday morning. The poll showed that 37 percent of Americans approved of Trump’s performance in office, while 58 percent disapproved.

While the most recent Fox News poll is friendlier, its figures still show that a majority of Americans disapproved of Trump’s job performance. That poll found an overall approval/disapproval split of 43 percent to 51 percent, down from 48 percent to 47 percent on Feb. 13.

Though Trump’s Nov. 8 election victory stunned prediction models, CNN’s final poll of the race was not far off the national margin. A CNN/ORC poll conducted two weeks before the election found Hillary Clinton 5 points ahead of Trump. She eventually won the popular vote by about 3 points, while losing the Electoral College.

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