Trust teachers to teach complete history of US

Researchers carry the remains of a body exhumed at Oaklawn Cemetery on Sept. 13. They are searching for victims of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre in Oklahoma.
Researchers carry the remains of a body exhumed at Oaklawn Cemetery on Sept. 13. They are searching for victims of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre in Oklahoma.
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Let teachers teach history A to Z

I was deeply moved by a recent article in the Herald-Tribune regarding the exhumations of the tragic victims of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre in Oklahoma. The stark reminder of this historical atrocity made me pause and reflect.

Tulsa, a thriving oil city, boasted a substantial population of affluent, educated and professional African American residents. The massacre targeted this population.

And now, the sad fact is this awful moment in U.S. history is deemed too “controversial” to be discussed in our classrooms.

It is disheartening that Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has no background in the teaching of history, has now decided what can be taught in Florida.

More: History 101 in Florida: Slavery wasn't all that bad - and some dictators weren't either

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Our educators are more than capable of handling sensitive subjects with tact and professionalism. Let us equip our teachers with the freedom to teach the truth and to educate our youths about the full spectrum of our history, both the admirable and the painful.

In the end, it is through understanding our past, including its darkest moments, that we can strive for a more just and equitable future. It’s time to trust our educators and allow them to fulfill their vital role in shaping the minds of the next generation.

Arnie Moskowitz, Sarasota

‘Abortion tourism’: DeSantis shows misogyny

“Abortion tourism”? Really, governor?

Merriam-Webster defines tourism as “the practice of traveling for recreation." I don’t believe any woman seeking an abortion is doing so for recreation.

Gov. Ron DeSantis referred to “abortion tourism” in opposing the military’s abortion policy, which provides paid leave to those seeking an abortion.

Tourism is associated with excitement over new experiences and adventures. Women seeking an abortion are traveling down a long and lonely road, a road that reflects the many difficulties involved in making the decision to end a pregnancy.

Some of these decisions are by choice, some presented by medical situations that will result in potential harm or death to the mother and the fetus. These are not decisions based on the pleasure that traveling overseas or to Disney World might provide, but a deep dive into the emotional trauma that is going to live with a woman for years.

I believe you, Ron DeSantis, are completely out of touch with the reality of half the people in this country − women! Your incredible lack of empathy and understanding about the impact of insufficient reproductive care for women exemplifies the depth of misogyny that exists within you.

Sharon Carloni, Bradenton

Love of Venice drives council election

Seats on the Venice City Council are nonpartisan. Those who vote for council members have in common a love of Venice.At a recent meet and greet for Ron Smith in my home, 14 voters were present (four registered as Democrats, six independents and four Republicans).

Two seats up for grabs: Candidate field complete for Venice City Council race

As it should be, civic-minded citizens coming together to discern the best way for Venice to grow forward.Leah J. Sherman, Venice

No public taxes for private school

Kudos to Max Jackson for his succinct letter Sept. 19 beautifully laying out his belief, which I’m sure many others share, in the public educational system as well as the separation of church and state.

The funding of private education has no place coming from public funds.

The decision to enroll one’s children in a private school brings with it costs that are not the responsibility of the public at large.

If one is not happy with the public educational system in one’s town, get involved in helping improve it. Otherwise, you pay the extra for your child’s education – not me.

Joel Kreiss, Venice

Only Trump can save the day

No one except former President Donald Trump has the power to save the Republican Party and end the deadlock in Washington that threatens our Constitution and democracy.

This requires a major change in his current path but might secure him a positive legacy going forward.William Stocker, Sarasota

Lock Trump up for poisoning democracy

Do the crime, serve the time.

Remember MAGA folks chanting “lock her up” about Hillary Clinton, who had not even been charged with a crime, let alone convicted?

Certainly, the Trumpers will support former President Donald Trump being locked up if convicted.

Do the crime, serve the time.Imprison the man who has poisoned our democracy.Paul Dain, Bradenton

Why a Brookside teacher loves her job

My daughter teaches sixth grade at Brookside Middle School. She loves her work!

During a lesson last week, she noticed three of her students scurrying around the room, which was unusual.

A student in her class with autism was staring into space, not paying attention. All on their own, three students were helping him.

One sharpened his pencil. Another brought him a pad of paper and a third was helping him with his classwork.

My daughter truly loves all her kids!

Harry Leopold, Sarasota

This article originally appeared on Sarasota Herald-Tribune: Students must learn even horrible parts of history like Tulsa Massacre