New trustee appointed in Geneva Township

Jun. 9—GENEVA — Tiffany Miller was appointed to the position of Geneva Township Trustee at a Wednesday morning meeting.

Miller said she has always wanted to give back to the community and be part of something bigger than herself.

"I'm a very proud Geneva Township resident, and when I saw this was available, I thought I would try," she said.

"There were so many wonderful applicants and candidates involved with this, and I'm honored and very appreciative to get the opportunity to serve the township."

Miller said she would most likely run for re-election.

She will serve the remainder of former Trustee Robert Russell's term, which expires at the end of 2025.

Miller was appointed after extensive discussions between trustees Tim Mills and Dennis Brown.

The two butted heads at a June 1 meeting, which was called to appoint a replacement for Russell, who resigned effective June 1.

At that meeting, Brown refused to second a motion to appoint Amanda Briggs de Lavini to the Board of Trustees, stating that he hadn't had a chance to meet with all the candidates after missing the meeting at which interviews were conducted.

At the start of discussions on who to appoint at Wednesday's meeting, Brown said he interviewed all of the candidates in person or over the phone, and they are all qualified.

Mills named his top three candidates for the position, Briggs de Lavini, Miller, and Timothy Miller, and asked Brown for his top three candidates to see if a compromise could be reached. Brown did not second a motion for any of the three.

"I want to consider all five candidates, I've interviewed them," Brown said, adding that "no one has all the answers."

Brown repeatedly refused to express any preference for one of the five candidates.

Duane Feher announced that he was removing himself from consideration.

All of the candidates had been considered, and a committee assembled to interview the candidates made a choice, Miller said.

Mills made a motion to appoint Tiffany Miller, and Brown did not second it.

"I have other picks that I could compromise on," he said.

Mills said all of the applicants could do the job.

Brown then made a motion to appoint Miller, seconded by Mills. The vote was unanimous.

In other business:

—The trustees accepted a bid for chip-and-seal work from Martuccio, which provided the low bid.

Mills said Martuccio has been the low bidder for the work for longer than he has been a trustee.

—Geneva Fire Chief David Shook informed the trustees that, starting on July 1, it will be legal to set off fireworks under certain conditions under state law.

Shook said he expects a lot of fires to be started because of the change.

"I've been doing this long enough, I know what's going to happen," he said.