Tucson Head to Toe Healthcare Center announces the expansion of its shockwave therapy services

Dr. Alan Shih, Founder of Head to Toe Healthcare PLC in Tucson, Arizona, announces the healthcare center is expanding its services within shockwave therapy.

Recently, Dr. Shih attended the 25th World congress of the International society for Medical Shockwave Treatment in South Korea where he learned more about the benefits of shockwave therapy and how he can better utilize it within the care he provides. Dr. Shih is always seeking to learn more and improve upon medical practices that he has implemented at Head to Toe Healthcare, progressing current treatment protocols.

Shockwave therapy is an evolution and different adaptation of lithotripsy, which uses sound waves to break up kidney stones. Dr. Shih implements shockwave therapy at the healthcare center because it is a non-invasive (the skin is not pierced) treatment that safely and effectively delivers high energy soundwaves to musculoskeletal applications. High intensity pulses have been shown to stimulate microcirculation and decrease scar tissue, which promotes tissue healing.

Currently, two of the most common ailments that Dr. Shih treats using shockwave therapy are achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis, but he also uses it for numerous other ailments. When using shockwave therapy, Dr. Shih says many patients start to see significant beneficial effects. Many of them start to feel better upon leaving the healthcare center.

According to a recent article by the Journal of the American Medical Association, it usually takes around 17 years for evidence to change practice within the medical field. Dr. Shih believes that this fear of evolving is detrimental to patent healthcare and for this reason he is constantly looking for ways to evolve the care he is providing. Dr. Shih and numerous doctors in Europe and Asia routinely utilize shockwave therapy for the benefit of their patients, but the US is lagging and falling behind.

When Dr. Shih recommends his patients to engage in the shockwave procedure, it takes roughly 10-15 minutes, once a week, over a span of four weeks in many cases. Dr. Shih has found shockwave therapy to be more efficient and effective than stretching and many times physical therapy, spring boarding the recovery time for patients.

He is actively seeking to find new methods to implement at Head to Toe Healthcare to treat his patients. Since having much positive feedback from his patients that received shockwave therapy, Dr. Shih has been furthering his research and understanding of the treatment.

Through Dr. Shih’s extensive research and application of shockwave, he has found that we have not yet discovered how truly beneficial this form of treatment can be. He is currently exploring new methods in which shockwave therapy can be beneficial for neuropathy, an area in which Dr. Shih has a specialty within.

“It’s been astonishing to see our patients getting better after treating them with shockwave therapy,” says Dr. Shih. “My patients are getting better at a much faster rate without the need for surgery. Some of the people I have treated have been suffering for years and the use of shockwave has allowed them to feel much better, something they didn’t think was possible.”

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Jon Stojan is a professional writer based in Wisconsin. He guides editorial teams consisting of writers across the US to help them become more skilled and diverse writers. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his wife and children. He can be reached at jonstojan4167@gmail.com.