Tuesday's vote on recreational marijuana has been quietly focused on turnout

Wonder why you haven't seen a big noisy clash of the Yes and No campaigns leading up to the referendum Tuesday on approving recreational marijuana?

That's because the opposing campaigns have been heavily focused on targeted messages to voters who are likely to actually show up.

"In an election like this that is truly a special election, really with nothing else on the ballot, turnout obviously will be critical," said longtime Oklahoma political consultant Emily Lang, who is not involved with either campaign.

Lang said the opposing campaigns zero in on messages to those favoring their side of the issue.

She said that in typical elections, with many offices up for grabs and slates of candidates appearing on a ballot, messaging is usually spread more broadly because more voters will end up visiting the ballot box.

More:What you need to know about SQ 820, the proposal to approve recreational marijuana

"In a general election, we have to cast a wider net because people are going to go vote, and they're going to check yes or no on a state question whether they've ever heard from you or not," she said.

State Question 820 is the only thing on the ballot in most counties, so a person standing in the ballot box probably showed up specifically to vote for or against it. And since there aren't any other issues that would bring someone to the polls, the campaigns on either side of the issue will rely heavily on turnout to win.

As of noon Friday, the second and final day of early in-person voting, 1,699 voters in Oklahoma County had cast their ballot. County Election Board Secretary Doug Sanderson said he's seen a steady stream of voters and turnout so far might be higher than usual for this kind of rare, single-issue election.

Polls will be open again on Tuesday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

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On Tuesday, March 7, voters will decide whether to allow adult-use recreational marijuana in Oklahoma.
On Tuesday, March 7, voters will decide whether to allow adult-use recreational marijuana in Oklahoma.

Only three of the last nine state questions put before Oklahoma voters were approved. Two of those successful state questions were placed on primary election ballots in June, which traditionally see far fewer voters than a November general election.

And one of those successful campaigns was State Question 788, which created Oklahoma's medical marijuana industry in 2018.

The election date for State Question 820 was set nearly six months ago, but the campaigns for and against the measure only recently ramped up their voter-facing advocacy to levels one would expect to see during an election cycle. It's been a shorter time frame for the No 820 campaign, which only filed its organizational documents with the state about a month ago.

According to records filed with the Oklahoma State Ethics Commission, the Yes campaign has spent over $1.6 million in the past month, mostly on advertising. The No campaign, which launched in late January, has reported spending $218,000.

More:Ahead of SQ 820 vote, agency says 3,000 medical marijuana grows under investigation

Michelle Tilley, director of the Yes campaign, said she expects to have raised and spent about $5 million to legalize adult-use recreational marijuana in Oklahoma. That includes the signature gathering effort that took place last year to put SQ 820 on the ballot.

She said that as far as she knows, this election is the first in the country where the only issue on the ballot is legalizing marijuana.

"So we know that a lot of people who are interested in that aspect of it are paying attention," Tilley said. "Our big job for this entire campaign has been to educate and register new voters, and then activate them."

Tilley said the campaign has done its best to identify the types of voters who would support SQ 820, and targeted their communications toward that group. That includes the thousands of volunteers and donors who signed up to help the Yes on 820 campaign, along with the registered voters who signed a petition to place it on the ballot.

"And now, at the end, all you can do is get those networks activated to make sure they actually show up on March 7," she said.

What appeared to be an independent initiative, unrelated to either campaign, involved mail encouraging people to vote on Tuesday. The mailer doesn't encourage voters to pick a side. It doesn't even mention the state question.

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Lang said that while the content of the mailer is neutral, the strategy behind picking the recipients might not be. While some civic organizations exist to encourage voter registration and turnout, she said some groups will analyze voter data and demographics to predict who is more likely to support their cause.

For example, you could send election reminders only to registered Republicans if you want a more conservative group of voters heading to the polls.

"It increases the chances that your folks remember that there is an election day, and then you win the election because the people who you reminded are likely to vote the way you want them to," she said.

This article originally appeared on Oklahoman: Quiet campaign for SQ 820 in Oklahoma has focused on turnout