Turkey, family and more: Marion County students tell Matt Manatee their Thanksgiving plans

Dear Friends,

I had such a great time reading about your Thanksgiving plans and activities! It sure seems like you all have a lot of fun and eat a lot of food! It seems like a lot of work, though. I’m happy to float in my river and nibble at the seagrass.

You have a lot of holidays this time of year, don’t you? I’ve heard of Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa, and things like Yule and Boxing Day, and something called "New Years Day." I understand that people celebrate different holidays in December. What holiday do you and your family celebrate, and what things do you do that make it special for you? Do you celebrate more than one of them? I think I would – more fun that way!

I’m really looking forward to hearing your answers and learning more about this!

Your friend,


Editor's note: Please send letters, pictures and jokes to calendar@starbanner.com and write "Matt Manatee" in the message line. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 17. A selection will be published on Friday, Dec. 1. That will be Matt's final column of the first semester.

Dear Matt,  On Thanksgiving, you can have a big feast. A feast is a huge meal. You can eat turkey. Turkey is a really popular food, but I don’t like turkey because I think it is too sweet! Thanksgiving is not all about the food; it’s also about LOVE AND FAMILY.

Your friend,

Cosette DiNino

Second Grade, Cornerstone School

Dear Matt,

At Thanksgiving, my mom, dad, brother and I go to my grandparents’ house. My uncles, aunts, and cousins come too. We have a family dinner. It tastes good. Before dinner, we pray. After dinner, the grownups clean up and the kids play. We have so much fun at Thanksgiving!

Your friend,

Eloise Keuntjes

Second Grade, Cornerstone School

Layla Treiber, First grade, St. John Lutheran School
Layla Treiber, First grade, St. John Lutheran School

Dear Matt,

My Thanksgiving is going to be good! I am going to New York City for vacation. On Thanksgiving you eat a big feast. I can’t wait!

Your friend,

Sameer Dhaon

Second Grade, Cornerstone School

Dear Matt,

Thanksgiving is a good time. I like Thanksgiving because I like the huge chicken. I do not like turkey! Do you like chicken? I like chicken when it falls off of the bone! Yummy!

Your friend,

Joshua Chaffin

Second Grade, Cornerstone School

Dear Matt,

Thanksgiving is where you spend time with your family and tell people how special everything is to you and what it means to you. It is about being thankful for everything you have. I spend time with my friends too, but the most special is having family and loving them and making memories.

Your friend,

Aubrey Jones

Second Grade, Ocala Springs Elementary

Dear Matt,

My name is Ava Moore, and during Thanksgiving we give thanks to the people we love. My favorite thing is spending time with my family and friends.

Your friend,

Ava Moore

Second Grade, Ocala Springs Elementary

Dear Matt,

Thanksgiving is when you spend time with family and friends, but this is what I do on Thanksgiving. All of my family come over and we have chicken and rice and cake and mac and cheese and turkey, but that’s all for today.

Your friend,

Kamel Holt

Second Grade, Ocala Springs Elementary

Dear Matt,

My name is Liana, and I go to my grandparents’ for Thanksgiving. My favorite part of it is eating. I enjoy it, we eat turkey and pie. It’s so good. It’s where you spend time with your family.

Your friend,

Liana Rudnianyn

Second Grade, Ocala Springs Elementary

Dear Matt,

I like spending time with my family to celebrate Thanksgiving so I can learn the names of my cousins.

Your friend,

Aubrey Wimmers

Second Grade, Marion Charter School

Dear Matt,

Thanksgiving is fun! I like eating Turkey! Thanksgiving is coming soon! I can’t wait! My sister and I will eat Turkey. I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving Matt!

Your friend,

Saleena Husein

Second Grade, Marion Charter School

Dear Matt,

Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a holiday in 1863. On Thanksgiving I gather with my family, and we have a feast and then I play with my cousin.

Your friend,

Neilah Goodwyn

Second Grade, Marion Charter School

Dear Matt,

My favorite part of the year is Thanksgiving. I like to have a big feast and eat pie. I so enjoy getting together with my family!

Your friend,

Casey Monroe

Second Grade, Marion Charter School

Dear Matt,

Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is a special holiday about Pilgrims.

Your friend,

Ella Garrard

First Grade, St. John’s Lutheran

Dear Matt,

I am thankful for my toys and my PS5, and my mom and dad.

Your friend,

Lennon Torres

First Grade, St. John’s Lutheran

Dear Matt,

I go to my gramma and grampa's to celebrate Thanksgiving. We eat turkey.

Your friend,

Everett Prosoco

First Grade, St. John’s Lutheran


Dear Matt,

Knock, knock.

Who’s there?


Disjoint who?

Disjoint is closed.

Your friend,  Adalyn Frazier

First Grade, St. John’s Lutheran

This article originally appeared on Ocala Star-Banner: Food, fun and more: Kids tell Matt Manatee their Thanksgiving plans