Turkey and gravy? Here’s what’s safe to feed the dog from your Thanksgiving feast

As people enjoy their Thanksgiving turkey and stuffing this year, puppy dog eyes will look on, attempting to entice their owners into sharing some treats.

But some turkey day delicacies aren’t safe for pets, so it’s important to know what dogs can and can’t eat.


The turkey can be shared with dogs, as long as it’s properly cooked and boneless, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. People shouldn’t give dogs seasoned, raw or undercooked turkey, the ASPCA says.

Ham and pork are safe meats to share with Fido, according to reporting from McClatchy News. Ham is “high in sodium and fat” though, so it’s a good idea to only share a bit with dogs, while pork is safe and “easily digestible for them,” McClatchy News reported.

Breads and desserts

Raw dough is a no-go, but it’s safe to give dogs a little baked bread, according to McClatchy News. Feeding them stuffing is also unsafe, WFOR reported.

“When a dog or cat ingests raw bread dough, the yeast continues to convert the sugars in the dough to carbon dioxide gas and alcohol,” the ASPCA says.

That can result in a pet’s hospitalization, according to the organization. Pet owners should also keep them from sticking their noses in any dessert batter because of the risk of food poisoning, the organization says.

Chocolate, coffee, caffeine, milk and dairy are also on the “do not feed” list, according to the organization.


While some vegetables like sweet potatoes, raw green beans, unseasoned carrots, pumpkin and corn are OK for dogs to eat, people should avoid giving them garlic, onions, cooked green beans, mushrooms and mashed potatoes, according to WFOR. The ASPCA says that just “a taste of mashed potatoes...shouldn’t pose a problem” though.


Apples are OK to give dogs, the ASPCA says. But a lot of fruits and nuts should be avoided, including:grapes/raisins, avocado, citrus plants, coconut/coconut oil, macadamia nuts, almonds, pecans and walnuts, according to the organization.

If pet owners want to give their furry friends their own special meal, make sure to only include “tidbits of turkey...and dribbles of gravy,” the organization says.