Your turn: Here's what a Republican-led 'Contract with Illinois' would look like

Are you satisfied with the direction our state is headed?

Democrats have enjoyed total control of state government with super-majorities in both the Illinois House and Senate. But what do they actually have to show for it other than low-quality governance and high-quality campaign commercials?

The unescapable flood of campaign commercials is a testament to how the Madigan political machine is still beating Republicans from beyond the political grave. Madigan’s “creative” fundraising efforts added untold millions to Democrats’ campaign coffers, and the enormous Madigan cash advantage is likely to endure for years, if not decades.

Illinois Democrats want you distracted by multi-million-dollar ad buys hammering national political debates. They don’t want you to assess their job performance. They don’t want you to ask yourself if you’re satisfied living in one of the highest-taxed, most corrupt, and worst-governed states in the country.

Outside of numerous tax increases and countless ideas for how to spend our tax money, Democrats’ crowning legislative achievement is a bill that emboldens criminals and endangers law-abiding citizens. The so-called “SAFE-T Act” should actually be called the “We Love Criminals Act,” because it hamstrings law enforcement and prioritizes criminals over victims.

More:Your turn: On Jan. 1, pre-trial detention will rely less on money, more on Illinois judges

Illinois voter, I want you to see what Republican-led Illinois governance would look like.

Democrats have failed to govern, but Republicans have thus far failed to stand up and deliver a unified message. We Republicans owe you a contract that details our pledge to voters.

Ideally, our “Contract with Illinois,” would look something like this:

1) Make Illinois a safer and better place to live. This starts with an immediate repeal of the “SAFE-T Act,” which ends the practice of “cash bail” and removes an important roadblock preventing hardened criminals from simply reoffending without much consequence. In other areas, such as funding for mental health professionals, we can work to make sure our local police departments have the resources they need to keep our communities safe.

2) Fix the budget without raising taxes. We must reject budgetary half measures that ignore glaring liabilities, and we need to end our state’s addiction to costly new ideas on how to spend money we simply don’t have. To provide immediate relief for working families, we must repeal Pritzker’s historic gas tax increase and pledge to cease any new tax increases for at least two years.

3) End the culture of corruption in Springfield. We must increase the authority of the independent, nonpartisan Inspector General. We should call on all Democrats who received campaign funding from Mike Madigan and his various campaign tentacles to immediately donate those campaign funds to a charity of their choice. To remove the stench of corruption, we need to lead a bipartisan deep cleaning of state government.

If you’re a Republican candidate, I’m asking you to join me in signing a pledge that offers a comprehensive alternative to the failed leadership and hollow rhetoric that has failed our state.

Illinois voters need a reason to vote for Republicans — instead of against Democrats.

John Cabello, R-Machesney Park, is the former Illinois state representative for the 68th District. He is currently running unopposed in the state's 90th District, which stretches across northern Illinois from Poplar Grover to Freeport.

This article originally appeared on Rockford Register Star: Here's what a Republican-led 'Contract with Illinois' would look like