Turns Out Aloe Vera Can Do So Much More Than Soothe Sunburn

Photo credit: Asurobson
Photo credit: Asurobson

From Oprah Magazine

When you forget to reapply SPF after a dip in the pool and end up with a wicked sunburn, chances are you reach for a bottle of aloe for some sweet relief for a good reason: it's a home remedy for sunburned skin that really works.

"The gel within the leaf of the aloe vera plant holds a lot of vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and antioxidants," says Dr. Manish Shah, a board-certified plastic surgeon and anti-aging expert in Denver. Research also suggests aloe vera has noticeable anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and antiviral effects, he says.

Besides relieving sunburn pain, what are other uses for aloe vera?

The plant has a wide range of uses for the body—especially your skin and hair.

To reap the most benefits, use the gel straight from the actual plant. To do this, snap the leaf off and use a serrated knife to take off the top layer of skin. Then, with the knife, scrape out the gel. But since this isn't always possible—or practical—a pre-packaged cold-pressed aloe vera gel is perfectly suitable. Even the most superior formulas with upwards of 99 percent pure aloe vera are affordable and easy to find.

Of course, there are also a wide range of products—lotions, sprays, hair masks, shampoos, and more—that simply contain aloe vera as an ingredient. While still helpful, the results won't be quite as profound.

The benefits of aloe vera include moisturizing dry skin.

Aloe vera is easily absorbed by the skin, which helps to lock in moisture, says Shah. It's also generally non-comedogenic, meaning it doesn't add oil or clog the pores of those with already oily skin, he explains. You can apply gel straight from the plant or use a moisturizer that contains aloe vera.

And helping to heal small wounds and cuts.

The active ingredients in the aloe plant—vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and peptides—work to heal skin from a variety of minor ailments, says Dr. Sonia Batra, a board-certified dermatologist and co-host of The Doctors. It's even been shown to expedite wound healing.

To use, apply a thin layer of gel to the laceration, then bandage as normal. Alternatively, you can soak a bit of gauze in aloe vera gel, then apply that to the wound.

Aloe vera can minimize skin redness and irritation, too.

These vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants also reduce inflammation and skin agitation, says Shah. This makes it an effective treatment for many dermatological issues, including eczema and psoriasis. Simply rub the gel into the affected areas.

Plus, decrease hyperpigmentation.

When applied topically, aloe vera gel may also be helpful in reducing hyperpigmentation, says Dr. Rina M. Allawh, a board-certified dermatologist in Philadelphia. "It blocks an enzyme called tyrosinase, which is primarily responsible for skin hyperpigmentation."

It may reduce acne.

One of the active ingredients in aloe vera gel is salicylic acid, which is an exfoliant and antibacterial agent commonly used to treat acne, says Batra. Plus, the soothing properties can help calm inflammation associated with painful pimples. To keep breakouts at bay, apply a thin layer of gel to acne-prone areas every evening.

Aloe vera can prevent fine lines and wrinkles

Applying a thin layer of aloe vera gel can also help minimize wrinkles, since it has collagen-boosting capabilities that help the body turnover damaged skin cells and produce new skin, says Shah. While this is a great anti-aging benefit, it's not a miracle-worker. "Aloe can help prevent future fine lines and wrinkles, however, it cannot reduce the appearance of wrinkles that are already there," says Dr. Michele Green, a cosmetic dermatologist in NYC.

Try it for eliminating dandruff.

For many of the reasons that aloe vera is good for your face, it can also help your scalp. If you suffer from excessive dandruff and have noticed the color of your flakes turn from off-white to a more yellowish color or scabbing, you are probably experiencing seborrhoeic dermatitis, says Shah.

The hydrating power of aloe vera, coupled with its soothing nature and antibacterial properties, can help calm the irritation, reduce scalp itchiness, and protect any open wounds from worsening, says Shah.

To use aloe vera gel for this purpose, simply make a quick hair mask. Apply the gel to your scalp, massaging the product in with your fingertips, let sit for 30 minutes, then shampoo as normal.

And cleaning hair.

Research also purports that this hair mask can be enough to clean strands. Using the gel of the aloe vera plant as a shampoo can help remove excess oil and keep hair follicles healthier, says Shah.

But can it help hair grow?

The short answer: No.

Aloe vera lubricates and nourishes the hair shaft, but it has not been shown to impact hair growth, says Allawh. "With that being said, the use of aloe vera may improve the overall appearance, health, and durability of the hair shaft."

Is it safe to drink or take it internally?

It depends what kind of aloe you're talking about. It’s best to avoid taking aloe latex (aloe vera supplements that contain whole-leaf extract) orally, because they may contain chemicals that can cause cancer, says Green. "Taking one gram of aloe latex daily for several days can lead to acute kidney failure and might also be fatal," she says.

What about aloe vera juice?

Pure, uncolored aloe vera juice is okay to drink in small quantities, says Dr. Anna Guanche, a board-certified dermatologist in Los Angeles. "Some studies suggest that it can help with hydration, liver function, constipation, provide nutrients, and help promote clear skin."

"A nine-ounce glass can contain up to 9,000 mg of vitamin C," says Dr. Loretta Ciraldo, a board-certified dermatologist in Miami.

But don't expect overnight benefits for your face, skin, or hair. Dietary intake of aloe vera has only been evaluated in few small studies for the treatment of facial wrinkles, but no significant result on photo aging has been shown, says Allawh.

What about weight loss?

While aloe vera juice does function as a laxative, experts agree that it's not a safe protocol to follow. When taken internally, aloe vera can cause stomach pains and diarrhea, says Shah. "This is not ideal, and for certain people like those with weaker immune systems, can even be dangerous."

OK—but are there any other side effects I should know about?

When it comes to aloe vera juice, experts say the laxative effect is the biggest concern. Start with just a four-ounce glass every other day to be sure it doesn't change your bowel habits too drastically, says Ciraldo.

Topically, aloe vera is safe, says Allawh. But it may cause irritation or allergic reaction in some individuals with dry, sensitive, or eczema-prone skin, she says. To test for a reaction, apply a pea-sized amount of aloe vera to the forearm before using liberally.

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