The Twelve Days of Christmas

When my sister and I were young, our parents had a code for keeping secrets. They spoke Norwegian.

Throughout history, siblings have developed their own languages to communicate without parents, other family members, or other kids understanding private communications. It was commonly called “Pig Latin.” on the playground, and probably still is. Trusted Wikipedia accepts it as a code “often” used by young children and indicates that it is not considered offensive.

I wondered how often symbols are employed to disguise a message.

I recalled the “Soldier’s Deck of Cards.” I do not know if it is a true story or not. For me, only the storyline matters. The narrative refers to a young soldier arrested because he took out a deck of cards during a church service and was commanded to explain his actions to a military judge. His words had an impact on me. He explained the meaning of each card as a part of the Bible and of God’s Creation.

I also recalled “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” and the gibberish that the words convey to me.

Allow me to share my interpretation of that carol in the format of the soldier’s story. While others probably did the same, I am writing my personal view of the lyrics because this song does not tell me a story about Christmas. This is my coded message.

“A partridge in a pear tree” A is singular—One God, or in December, one Baby Jesus

“2 Turtle Doves” 2 parts to the Bible—the Old Testament pointing to Christ; the New Testament to celebrate Jesus’ birth, crucifixion, death and resurrection as Lord and Savior

“3 French Hens” 3 members of the Holy Trinity—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit

“4 Calling Birds” 4 Gospels about Christ’s earthly life written by 4 apostles

“5 Golden Rings” 5 loaves of bread fed the 5,000, and now God provides “daily bread”

“6 Geese a Laying” On the 6th day God created man and woman in His image

“7 Swans a Swimming” The 7th day God rested and commanded Christians to do the same

“8 Maids a Milking” 8 members of Noah’s family represented “new” life following the Flood; likewise, Baby Jesus offers us “new” life through belief in the Triune God

“9 Ladies Dancing” Christ died on the cross at the 9th hour (3:00pm)

“10 Lords a Leaping” 10 commandments given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai

“11 Pipers Piping” 11 disciples remained faithful

“12 Drummers Drumming” 12 months comprise a complete year. Christ’s birth occurs in December. Just as the new year begins shortly, Christ’s birth represents the offer of “new” life

When I had completed my list, I knew that I had to learn more about the song and its interpretations. Traditionally, the interpretation was a list of Christmas gifts from a male to a female.

In Daniel Clifton’s article, he wrote that the lyrics probably were a code in the 16th century when Queen Elizabeth persecuted Catholics for their Faith.

Then, he poked a hole into the hypothesis. The song purportedly was published in the 1780's book "Mirth Without Mischief. Many believe that the song was French, not English, in origin. Clifton noted that French hens did not exist in England in 1500s.

Other critics attribute the song to a memory game played between Christmas and Epiphany.

No matter, I like my interpretation of the befuddling lyrics.

I continued my search to verify my interpretation of the numbers from a biblical perspective. It appears that there is ample justification for viewing these 12 numbers as I did.

Enjoy the carol; enjoy the melody; play the memory game associated with the lyrics; discover your own coded message.

On this most blessed weekend, enjoy the message of God’s love for us all and the most precious gift Father God gave to mankind—God became man to redeem us and to offer us the gift of redemption. That’s not code; that is God’s promise.

Merry Christmas to all.

This is the opinion of Times Writers Group member Phyllis E. VanBuren, a lifelong learner and enthusiastic educator, who values family, friends, faith, honesty, liberty and integrity. Her column is published the fourth Sunday of the month.

This article originally appeared on St. Cloud Times: Twelve Days of Christmas