Twinkies Cereal Will Soon Be in Grocery Stores Nationwide

After all these years, it’s finally acceptable to eat Twinkies for breakfast!

America’s classic golden sponge cake snack is making its debut in Walmart’s cereal aisle in late December, thanks to a collaboration between Post and Hostess brands. The mini golden crunchy version of the beloved Twinkies will cost around $4 per box and not only mimic the long shape of the doughy original, but also tastes surprisingly almost similar to it, too.

The two companies have been on a roll over the past year, turning some of Hostess’ most popular pastries into cereal. This is the third collaboration since the start of 2019, having previously worked on Hostess Donettes and Hostess Honey Buns cereals, which launched in January and are still available nationwide.

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The Hostess brand has made quite the comeback since filing for bankruptcy in 2012. The whole world was in an uproar about Twinkies ceasing production which caused a frenzy at grocery stores across the country.

After a year hiatus, the iconic snack had one of the biggest comebacks of 2013 and has since introduced an array of limited-edition flavors including chocolate, orange creme pop, and moonberry. Even deep-fried Twinkies, inspired by the popular carnival snack, graced shelves for while.

Twinkies cereal is set to remain on shelves indefinitely, and we’re hoping it’s only a matter of time before Ho Hos and Ding Dongs make their way to cereal bowls near you.