Two NY-21 Dems, Stefanik call for Saratoga Committee chair's resignation

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Dec. 15—PLATTSBURGH — An apparently contentious phone call has led at least three in the race for New York's 21st Congressional District to call for the resignation of Saratoga County Democratic Committee Chair Todd Kerner.

Days after Kerner and 10 other party chairs announced their endorsement of Matt Castelli, a former CIA and counterterrorism official who resides in Wilton, the campaign for Bridie Farrell of North River put out a fundraising email claiming that Kerner had made misogynistic remarks in a conversation between the two.

Now two other Democratic candidates for the seat — attorney Matt Putorti of Whitehall and Ezra Watson, a technician who lives in Wilton — and incumbent U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-Schuylerville) say Kerner should step down.


In the email, sent Thursday, Farrell framed 11 of the district's 12 county chairs' endorsement of Castelli as an attempt to wire the primary as well as the "backroom deal-making that turns people off and leads to reduced enthusiasm for political engagement."

She wrote that Kerner had called her to say she should drop out, to which she countered that he had not yet met with her to discuss why she was running.

"He said, 'As a man, I'm not comfortable meeting with you alone,'" Farrell continued. "When I said, 'What?' he replied, 'Not with all that you've said and put out there.' Clearly, he was referring to my outspoken opposition to child sexual abusers."

Farrell is a former U.S. speedskater turned crime victim advocate.

Farrell claimed Kerner went on to say she was just like Tedra Cobb, the 2020 Democratic nominee, and that the two women are the problem with the Democratic Party because they make gender an issue.

She wrote that the exchange underscores a further problem.

"How is a county chair who throws around misogynistic tropes and accuses a sexual abuse survivor of being a reputational risk to him the kind of person whose judgment we should trust to select the next Democratic standard-bearer against Elise Stefanik?"

The email ended with a prompt for donations to "prove that North Country voters can make up their own minds."


In a post on the Saratoga Democratic Committee's Facebook page, Kerner said Farrell blatantly lied about the conversation, showing she could not be trusted or serve as an elected official.

He wrote that his comments included how the county chairs supported Castelli based upon his experience, qualifications and demeanor.

"Ms. Farrell told me she should be the candidate as she was the only female on the Democratic side," he claimed. "My answer to her was as a party we should not base decisions on a person's race, sex or religion.

"She felt that response was 'sexist.' I stand by that we as a party are better than picking candidates based on sex, religion, race or other category."

Kerner said he refused to meet alone with Farrell based on the tone of her response and her saying his position was "sexist."

"I offered to meet at the same time as the Warren County Democratic chair and Ms. Farrell refused," he continued. "She conveniently forgets that she twice cancelled meetings with me for coffee in the fall."

He added that her use of the disagreements with him to fundraise "clearly demonstrates the chairs were absolutely correct that she should not be the Democratic candidate for office."


Farrell claimed in a subsequent email that she had replied to Kerner's post, but that he'd deleted her comments.

Addressing Kerner, she contended that he knew what he said, but didn't think she would call him out publicly.

"I totally acknowledge your right to support whomever you wish," she continued.

"If you speak to others like you spoke to me, I am grateful you have elected to cast your endorsement elsewhere, because that type of misogyny isn't what my campaign is about. I am about expanding the base, treating our neighbors with the respect they deserve and standing up for all North Country residents."

The Times Union reported that Kerner had hired an attorney and expected Farrell to retract the fundraising email.


In a statement, Putorti said he believed Farrell and that Kerner should immediately resign.

He added that Kerner's behavior was shocking but not entirely surprising, and claimed that, months ago, Kerner insinuated to Putorti's campaign team that he could not win because he is gay.

Putorti said his campaign has heard from and about other local party leaders who have made similar statements.

"Local party bosses chose to circumvent their own committees in an attempt to rig the process over a gay man and woman who is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse," he continued, "in favor of the candidate that they think has the best chance to win (read white straight man) — before all candidates were given the opportunity to appear in front of their committees, seven months before the primary and even before district lines are set."

Watson tweeted that he was joining the call for Kerner's resignation.

"We won't tolerate this in our party!"

In a statement, Stefanik's campaign described Kerner as sexist and a "Cuomo crony."

"He should be ashamed and is a disgrace," the campaign said. "This is the biggest and earliest political implosion we have seen yet for North Country Democrat committees and candidates — a true achievement based on their historic and massive losses in every single election against Congresswoman Elise Stefanik."


Clinton County Democratic Committee Chair Jerry Marking said he was not aware of the phone call between Farrell and Kerner.

He said he chose to endorse Castelli because he shows a lot of promise and is "the only one that's shown interest in the area."

Marking said he has heard very little from the other candidates, and also pointed to Castelli's fundraising. He brought in more than any of his fellow Democrats last quarter.

"Elise has a lot of money, she's got a lot of backing," Marking said, "but Matt (Castelli) has got the background and the knowledge and he can probably vie for some of the same votes she can go for because of his background with the CIA. I think he's got a pretty good shot at beating her."

Email Cara Chapman:

Twitter: @PPR_carachapman