U.S. economy adds 199,000 November jobs, unemployment down to 3.7%

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday that 199,000 U.S. jobs were created in November. Unemployment ticked down to 3.7%. President Joe Biden shown delivering remarks Oct. 6 on the September jobs report. Over 14 million jobs have been created during Biden's term in office. Photo by Leigh Vogel/UPI

Dec. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. payrolls grew more quickly than expected in November, according to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Friday.

U.S. non-farm payrolls added 199,000 while the unemployment rate dropped to 3.7%, the BLS's monthly employment situation summary said.

The total of new jobs added was greater than the 190,000 estimated by the Dow Jones.

"Job gains occurred in health care and government. Employment also increased in manufacturing, reflecting the return of workers from a strike," the BLS said in a statement. "Employment in retail trade declined."

The unemployment rate for teens slightly declined in November to 11.4%.

The jobless rates for adult men (3.7%), adult women (3.1%), Blacks (5.8%), Whites (3.3%), Asians (3.5%) and Hispanics (4.6%) showed little or no change.

The manufacturing totals reflect an increase of 30,000 motor vehicles and parts jobs as workers returned to work after strikes, according ot the BLS.

As new jobs were added, average hourly pay rose by 0.4% to $34.10. The average workweek was 34.4 hours.

Health care added 77,000 jobs in November, above the 12 month average of 54,000. Government employment was up by 49,000 while manufacturing added 28,00o jobs.

Counting the November totals, so far during the Biden administration more than 14 million jobs have been created.

In a statement, Biden said that while he was proud of the job growth he is aware that prices are "still too high for too many Americans."

The BLS numbers are greater than the 103,000 new private employer jobs created in November, according to ADP.

Thursday the Labor Department said weekly unemployment claims ticked up by a thousand to 220,000.