U.S. Maternal Mortality On The Rise, Says Pfizer’s Dr. Freda Lewis-Hall

Annie and her husband Tom, have two healthy sons, but following each of their births, Tom nearly lost his wife to severe complications.

“I really worried that I was going to die,” says Annie, who underwent several emergency surgeries, multiple transfusions, and at one point, required resuscitation.

“From 2000 to 2014, the rate of maternal mortality in the U.S. increased by approximately 27%,” says Chief Patient Officer of Pfizer, Dr. Freda Lewis-Hall. She joins the couple, along with Dr. Phil, to discuss the conditions and risk factors associated with pregnancy and childbirth complications.”

What would cause a woman to possibly die after giving birth? Watch the video above to learn more, then visit GetHealthyStayHealthy.com to learn what to watch for and how to help reduce the risk of complications that can lead to maternal mortality.

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