U.S. Rep. Khanna asks oil CEOs to reject climate disinformation

"I don't believe you purposely want to be out there spreading climate disinformation," Khanna said to leaders from ExxonMobil, Shell, BP America, Chevron, and API.

"But you're funding these groups, and they're really having an impact. They're spending millions of dollars in Congress to kill electric vehicles... and you could do something here. You could tell them to knock it off."

The California representative made the remarks at a hearing of the House Oversight Committee looking into whether large energy firms mislead the public about the dangers of fossil fuels and their effect on climate change.

"For the sake of the planet, you could end it, you could end that lobbying," Khanna said.

"Would any of you take the opportunity and look at API, and say, 'stop it'?"

His question was met with silence from the witnesses.
