UFO Sightings In Maryland: What Witnesses Saw

MARYLAND — Nobody can say 2020 has been a normal year: The coronavirus pandemic, cancelation of many college and professional sports, social justice protests and a very active Atlantic hurricane season, just to name a few things. While UFO Awareness Day was observed July 2, every day seems to bring reports of strange celestial sightings.

Witness accounts from Maryland indicate there’s plenty to see in the heavens, even though the state ranks in the bottom five for sightings.

The National UFO Reporting Center has hundreds of reports of unidentified flying objects, piquing the curiosity of folks fascinated by the possibility that we’re not alone here on Earth and aliens from another galaxy are circling the planet in strange-looking spacecraft.

So far in 2020, 1,232 UFO reports have been filed from Maryland, according to the National UFO Reporting Center.

Some of the more interesting ones include:

On May 27, a report from Betterton said they watched a blinking object flying at very high speed in a "nonsensical flight path" for about 2 minutes. "I was star gazing, having already seen a pretty bright shooting star earlier. I spotted what I thought was a shooting star quickly dash a short distance of sky before the light went out. Half a second later the light came back on, I then thought it was a government aircraft moving at a very high rate of speed. The object then took a 45 degree turn on a dime. Again, I thought it was an advanced military craft. After watching for about 5 seconds, the object began blinking erratically and traveling in a nonsensical pattern with incredible ease. I was stunned at the ability to maintain speed while crossing over its own flight path.

A July 24 report from Hunt Valley said for 15 seconds the observer watched a "constant light that did not have a tail and covered enough space to be moving 10x faster than a plane. I have seen a shooting star and a plane. Was not that."

On April 22 a report said: "Tonight it was the usual ball of light that dimmed and brightened on and off then disappeared. Last week myself and my wife witnessed a red triangle that hovered above the tree line then slowly descended beyond sight."

On Feb. 10 a Rockville resident reported: While sitting in morning traffic on highway 270 southbound right passed the Wooten parkway overpass I looked up to the left and noticed a bright orange orb/sphere to the East between college park and Baltimore approx. 5,000-10,000ft in altitude. At first I thought it was the moon with a orange illumination, but it was too small and too bright. That morning it was a heavy drizzle, so I thought I was stopped under a bright lamp and the beads of water on windshield was causing a refraction of light. I rolled my window down and looked with my eyes and saw a bright orb just in one spot not moving as far as I can tell for about 2-3 minutes. Then, like a light switch, it moved slightly then just sped off, but faster than I’ve ever seen.

You can read more UFO sightings from Maryland on the National UFO Reporting Center site.

The notion of intergalactic travel got a boost when information emerged from the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, a shadowy $22 million Defense Department program that began in 2007 to investigate unidentified aerial phenomena. The multi-year program was shut down in 2012, but the Pentagon released UFO videos earlier this year.

The Pentagon acknowledged the secret program to investigate UFO sightings in 2017, the same year as retired naval Cmdr. David Fravor dramatically recalled a confounding encounter with a UFO when he was conducting a training mission off the coast of California in 2004.

The wingless oblong craft about 40 feet long was flying erratically through his airspace at incredible speed, maneuvering in a way that defies accepted principles of aerodynamics. Fravor didn't know what to make of it but said it was not like anything he had ever seen in nearly 20 years of flying.

He described the UFO as other-worldly.

“I can tell you, I think it was not from this world,” Fravor told ABC News. “I'm not crazy, haven't been drinking. It was — after 18 years of flying, I've seen pretty much about everything that I can see in that realm, and this was nothing close.”

Not all accounts are that dramatic, but there are more than a few head-scratchers among the witness accounts.

Your chances of seeing a UFO are better in some places than others. According to the ranking of states by SatelliteInternet.com, those with the most sightings are:

  1. Idaho

  2. Montana

  3. New Hampshire

  4. Maine

  5. New Mexico

The states with the fewest sightings are:

  1. Texas

  2. Louisiana

  3. New York

  4. Maryland

  5. Illinois

This article originally appeared on the Crofton Patch