Uhrichsville firefighters commended for efforts during fire at Jaycee Village on May 28

UHRICHSVILLE ‒ Four firefighters received certificates of commendation for their efforts during a fire at the Jaycee Village housing complex on May 28.

Mayor Mark Haney honored acting Officer Sean Luce and firefighters Taylor Fach, Cory Paisley and Brennan McGarry for making critical decisions that prevented a potential loss of life and destruction of a 48-unit multi-family apartment building.

At least eight apartments on the third floor of the building at 200 Claymont Drive had some smoke staining and damage. There was significant fire damage to the apartment where the fire started, as well as two adjoining apartments. There were no major injuries.

Uhrichsville Fire Chief Justin Edwards (Left) congratulations firefighters Sean Luce, Taylor Fach and Corey Paisley, who were honored at a recent city council meeting.
Uhrichsville Fire Chief Justin Edwards (Left) congratulations firefighters Sean Luce, Taylor Fach and Corey Paisley, who were honored at a recent city council meeting.

When the firefighters arrived, they witnessed fire coming from an apartment window on the third floor and heavy, dark smoke was pushing from the third floor and common attic area.

"These four firefighters simultaneously controlled the fire while acting officer Sean Luce located a resident in imminent danger in an adjacent apartment and guided her to safety," Haney said in his commendation. "The citizens of the City of Uhrichsville are very fortunate to be protected by these fine firefighters.

"We deeply appreciate your actions and look up to you with great respect. Thank you for your valiant spirit and keep up the great work."

More on fire: Sunday morning fire damages building in Uhrichsville apartment complex

This article originally appeared on The Times-Reporter: Uhrichsville firefighters commended for efforts during May 28 fire