UKG CEO lights the way to an A+ workplace for employees

Between the Black Lives Matter movement, the COVID-19 pandemic, and efforts to improve diversity in the workplace, the conversation about employees' relationships with the companies they work for has amped up over the last several years.

Great Place to Work collects data about what employees think about their employers. One big change GPTW has made in recent years is to shift that conversation from some employees to all employees. Now, "we rank and reward companies that are having a consistent experience, rather than an experience where a group of people, the dominant group, are having a great experience," says GPTW CEO Michael C. Bush.

Fortune partners with GPTW to produce 100 Best Companies to Work For and many other lists throughout the year.

But GPTW has had its own change recently. The company was acquired by UKG, which offers technology solutions for human resources and workforce management. GPTW continues to operate as a standalone company.

Bush and Aron Ain, CEO of UKG, join Fortune cohosts Ellen McGirt and Alan Murray on Leadership Next, a podcast about the changing rules of business leadership, to discuss tech solutions for human resources, diversity, and what it takes for a company to really provide a great workplace. Listen to the full episode below.

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