Ukraine asks Georgia to return previously transferred Buk missile systems, says diplomat

The diplomat noted that the Ukrainian side is consistent in its requests to all international partners, as well as Georgia, regarding the provision of weapons, military equipment and ammunition, and also has openly expressed its vital need for weapons at the very beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

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“Ukraine’s request also included the Javelin anti-tank missiles transferred to Georgia by the United States,” Kasyanov said.

“As for the latter, there was not only consent by the United States, but even a proposal to replace them with the latest models.”

The diplomat emphasized that even though the Georgian government has categorically refused to provide military aid, Ukraine opposes the use of this issue in internal political disputes and rejects any accusations of attempts to draw Georgia into a war with Russia.

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Earlier, Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Garibashvili announced that the Georgian government would not provide military aid to Ukraine.

According to him, Georgia “will never get involved in this war.”

Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine