Ukraine: Don’t forget we’ve been there

Sounds erupted through the open window and sent the cats scrambling:

Pop-pop-pop-pop — somewhat distantly — then, more sharply Pop! echoing off of the hillside, followed by a BOOM! Then more pistol-like shots and much sharper bangs. Rapid reports sounded much like an exchange of rifle fire.

Dave Hurst
Dave Hurst

Listening to the July Fourth revelry, my thoughts traveled across seven time zones to the real war zone in Ukraine, where people hear such sounds too often, too lethally.

While we were celebrating our Independence Day, Ukrainians were fighting for theirs. Amid our frivolous focus on fireworks, we tend to forget what we’re really celebrating amid the cacophony.

“Independence Day” actually came very early in the Revolutionary War and was far from a sure thing. True independence wasn’t secured for another seven years until the Treaty of Paris was signed and the last British troops left New York City.

From the initial battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775 until the last one documented by Wikipedia in December of 1782, there were hundreds of battles, skirmishes, sieges, fights, raids and “affairs” waged between British and Continental forces. reports at least 50,000 soldiers on both sides died, but only about 8,000 fell in battle. Disease and exposure claimed the most lives. About 10,000 colonial soldiers died on British prison ships.

The 245-year separation between America’s battle for independence and Ukraine’s creates some profound differences. There probably have been 50,000 Ukrainian and Russian battlefield deaths already even though the war is only in its fifth month.

Civilian casualties currently are countless but certainly reach five figures. Almost 13 million Ukrainians have been displaced; there were only 2.2 million colonists.

Yet there are surprising commonalities between these two wars for independence:

  • Larger, more-powerful and better-equipped oppressors claim(ed) sovereignty.

  • Both nations include(d) sizable populations expressing loyalty to the oppressor. An estimated 20% of the colonists were Tories, and 19,000 fought for the British. Pre-war separatist militias in the Donbas may have totaled 35,000.

  • Oppressing armies include(d) foreign troops. British employed 30,000 Hessians (German mercenaries). Russia is using Chechen and Syrian troops.

  • European nations rallied behind both nations. French, Spanish and Dutch fought for or contributed to the American cause; almost all of Europe is supporting Ukraine’s war effort.

  • Inspirational leaders emerged. George Washington turned a collection of ragtag militias into a victorious Continental Army. Volodymyr Zelenskyy consistently and tirelessly has embodied his nation’s courage and determination, capturing world attention and generating significant support in armaments and financing.

  • People of all genders and walks of life responded to the common threat, leaving homes and families and comforts to contribute to the fight for freedom.

If you ever wanted to get a sense of what it was like to be in the struggle for independence 245 years ago, pay attention to what’s going on in Ukraine today.

See the photo of a 41-year-old mother, now a platoon leader on the front lines in the Donbas, with curved clips in the front pockets of her tactical vest. Then think about Deborah Sampson, who disguised herself as a man so she could join the Continental Army.

Hear the recording of a Ukrainian soldier saying, “Russian warship, go **** yourself!” and consider if he had the same mindset as patriot Patrick Henry, who told the Second Virginia Convention “Give me liberty, or give me death!”

Signed on July 4, 1776, our Declaration of Independence stated: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…”

On March 16, 2022, President Zelenskyy told Congress: “Russia has attacked not just us, not just our land, not just our cities; it went on a brutal offensive against our values, basic human values.”

Pray that it doesn’t take Ukraine seven years to secure its Independence Day.

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This article originally appeared on The Daily American: Ukraine: Don’t forget we’ve been there