Ukraine, Netherlands start talks on bilateral security guarantees agreement

Ukraine and the Netherlands have started negotiations on a bilateral agreement on security guarantees under the Group of 7 (G7) Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine.

According to the Ukrainian Presidential Office, the first round of consultations occurred on the sidelines of the Ukraine peace formula summit in Malta on Oct. 28.

The peace formula two-day meeting has brought together representatives from over 65 nations to discuss the implementation of lasting peace in Ukraine. Nations attending include G7 countries, South Africa, India, Qatar, Turkey, and other representatives of Global South.

The Malta summit follows a series of international peace formula gatherings hosted in different countries, including Denmark in June and Saudi Arabia in August.

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"It is symbolic that we started security consultations with the Netherlands precisely during the third meeting of national security advisors on the Ukrainian peace formula because one of the formula's elements is to prevent the escalation of war and the repetition of aggression," Yermak said.

"The Netherlands is a reliable partner of Ukraine in making our joint victory closer."

The Netherlands has become the sixth country after the U.S., U.K., Canada, Japan, and France and the first non-member of G7 to start bilateral talks with Ukraine on security guarantees.

The Ukrainian and Dutch delegations reportedly discussed their cooperation in the military field, Ukraine's economic recovery, joint efforts to bring Russia to justice, the sanctions regime, and the use of frozen Russian assets.

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