Ukraine and Poland agree on plan to unblock borders

The border of Poland and Ukraine
The border of Poland and Ukraine

Kyiv and Warsaw have agreed upon a plan to resolve the months-long blockage at the Polish-Ukrainian border, Poland’s Deputy Infrastructure Minister Pawel Gancarz said at a press conference with his Ukrainian counterpart Serhiy Derkach on Dec. 22.

According to Polish outlet Wiadomosci, a prolonged meeting between the officials took place in Kyiv, which addressed issues including the truckers’ protest at the Polish-Ukrainian border. Gancarz stated the meeting was expected to deliver a solution to the most pressing demands of Polish protestors.

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"We are coordinating the final details that will lead to a final agreement," said Gancarz.

He added that a meeting between Infrastructure Minister Dariusz Klimczak and representatives of the strikers will take place soon and that the blockade issue will be resolved before Christmas.

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The Ukrainian Infrastructure Ministry also stated that they agreed to a plan of action regarding the unblocking of the border with the new Polish government.

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Both parties that a mutual understanding regarding compromise solutions had been reached. The next stage should involve negotiations of Poland's Ministry of Infrastructure with the protestors.

On Dec. 11, Polish truckers unblocked the largest border crossing with Ukraine, Dorohusk-Jahodyn, after more than a month of strike. On Dec. 18, however, the protest resumed, shutting down the crossing once more.

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