Ukraine receives Zuzana 2 howitzers from Slovakia, 14 more coming

Zuzana 2
Zuzana 2

Slovakia will donate two more Zuzana 2 self-propelled howitzers to Ukraine, Slovak news outlet Dennik N reported on July 31.

According to Denik N, the equipment will be officially transferred on the morning of August 1. Prime Minister Ľudovít Ódor, and Minister of Defence Martin Sklenár, will be present as the howitzers begin their journey to Ukraine.

The two howitzers are the first of a total of 16 that will be provided to Ukraine, funded by Denmark, Germany, and Norway.

Read also: Slovakia to supply Ukraine with 16 Zuzana 2 howitzers, says Zelenskyy

The joint project worth EUR 92 million ($101.5 million) was announced in October 2022.

Kyiv and Bratislava signed an agreement on the supply of eight Zuzana 2 howitzers last year. Ukraine received all of them by the end of January 2023.

The Zuzana 2 8x8 is an updated version of the Zusana wheeled 155mm self-propelled howitzer. It has an extended firing range of up to 42 km.

Read also: Slovakia to increase ammo production for Ukraine five-fold

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