Ukraine reports 'some success' in counteroffensive

STORY: Video footage released by Ukraine's 3rd assault brigade show soldiers firing their rifles into dugouts and throwing grenades…

gaining ground near the Russian-occupied eastern city of Bakhmut, where Russian and Ukrainian forces fought the bloodiest battle of the nearly 18-month war.

On Monday, Ukraine's President Volodimir Zelensky visited troops in the eastern Ukrainian frontline region of Donetsk…

Coming as the country reported fierce fighting and "some success" in pushing back Moscow's troops in one part of the southeast where Ukrainian forces are trying to retake Russian-occupied territory.

According to Ukraine’s Deputy of Defense, progress has been hampered by widespread Russian-laid minefields and strong fortifications.

Ukrainian forces have made incremental gains since kicking off their long-awaited operation in June…

but officials in Kyiv have acknowledged that progress has been slower than they would have liked.

Meanwhile, the United States on Monday announced that it would send Ukraine new security assistance valued at $200 million.

According to a statement by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the aid includes air defense munitions, artillery rounds, anti-armor capabilities, and additional mine-clearing equipment.

Two U.S. officials told Reuters last week that they would begin to dole out $6.2 billion of funds discovered after a Pentagon accounting error that overvalued billions of dollars of Ukraine aid.

Washington is currently working on a supplemental budget request to continue to aid Kyiv, U.S. officials said.