Ukraine’s SBU arrests Russian FSB informer guiding rockets on Kramatorsk

The SBU detained a Russian informer in Kramatorsk
The SBU detained a Russian informer in Kramatorsk

The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) exposed an informant for the Russian FSB who was guiding rocket strikes on the frontlines in Donetsk.

The informant was revealed to be a resident of Kramatorsk in Donetsk Oblast. Russian special services drew her into cooperation remotely through her brother, who is involved in Russia’s occupation forces in Eastern Ukraine.

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She transmitted intelligence about Ukrainian facilities to her brother through text and voice messages, as well as media files. The woman collected information regarding the deployment and movement routes of Ukrainian forces in the Kramatorsk area. She was particularly interested in the locations of radio-electronic warfare equipment and air defense systems of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The woman repeatedly went to the sites hit by rockets in the city's social and housing infrastructure to covertly document the aftermath and send relevant data to the Russian occupiers.

Read also: Kramatorsk informant sentenced to 9 years for revealing UAF locations to Russians

The woman’s reconnaissance information was vital for Russia in preparing new and launching repeat rocket attacks on Kramatorsk, including the use of multiple launch rocket systems like the "Smerch."

SBU officers arrested the suspect at her place of residence. During the search, they discovered a laptop and a mobile phone with evidence of her cooperation with Russia.

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The detainee has been informed of suspicion under Article 111-1, Part 7 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine for providing assistance to Russian in carrying out combat actions against the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other military units. She faces up to 15 years in prison.

The woman is currently in custody.

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