Ukraine working on attending G20 summit in India, says President’s Office

G20 Summit to be held in New Delhi on September 9-10
G20 Summit to be held in New Delhi on September 9-10

Ukraine is working to secure an invitation to the upcoming G20 summit in New Delhi, India, “one way or another,” according to Deputy Head of the Presidential Office, Ihor Zhovkva, on Aug. 20.

“You know, there is such a principle in diplomacy: never say never,” Zhovka said.

“We’re working with the Indian side to involve Ukraine in the G20 summit in one or another format.”

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin may attend the G20 summit in New Delhi, India, scheduled for Sept. 9-10, Bloomberg reported on March 11. This is despite an outstanding warrant for the Russian dictator’s arrest, issued by the International Criminal Court. However, India is not a signatory to the ICC, and is not obligated to observe the warrant.

The upcoming Indian G20 summit may be a stage for peace talks for resolving the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, U.S. political news outlet Politico speculated on Aug. 2, suggesting that the UN General Assembly, also scheduled for September, may also play a role in the peace process.

However, two weeks later, India confirmed that Kyiv had not received an official invitation since the G20 advocates growth and development but “not conflict resolution.”

Ukraine is working on a format that will allow it to interact with G20 countries at the upcoming summit in India even if it is not invited to participate directly, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said on Aug. 17.

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