Ukrainian Armed Forces repulsed 5 attacks in the east and killed about a hundred aggressors and destroyed their military equipment

Svitlana Kizilova - Tuesday, 26 April 2022, 21:53 The Armed Forces of Ukraine have repelled 5 aggressors attacks in the course of the fighting in the east over the past 24 hours. The aggressors suffered losses. Source: "Skhid" ("East") Task Force on Facebook Details: On April 26, Ukrainian soldiers repulsed 5 attacks by Russian troops in the area under "Skhid" Task Force ​​responsibility. Clusters of automotive vehicles had been detected. Artillery units inflicted fire damage upon them. In the course of the fighting, Ukrainian soldiers killed up to 100 military personnel and destroyed the following equipment: tanks - 6 BMP infantry fighting vehicles - 4 BTR armoured vehicle - 1 MT-LB amphibious auxiliary armoured tracked vehicle - 1 SAU self-propelled gun - 1 mortars - 3 automotive vehicles - 13 anti-aircraft mount - 1. Background: On April 25, Ukrainian military personnel killed 160 soldiers belonging to the aggressor’s military units in the course of fighting in the area under Skhid" Task Force ​​responsibility.