Ukrainian investigators explain detention of ex-head of Crimean SBU department

Oleh Kulinich passed information that was a state secret to the Russian special services
Oleh Kulinich passed information that was a state secret to the Russian special services

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In particular, Kulinich is said to have given the Russians "information constituting a state secret."

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“The direct participation of the defendant in the activities of a criminal organization that was engaged in intelligence and subversive activities against Ukraine was also documented,” the SBI said.

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“The actions of the group harmed the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability, defense capability, state, economic and information security of our country.”

In this regard, the accused collaborator was served a notice of suspicion under Part 1 of Art. 255 (creation, management of a criminal community or criminal organization), part 1 of Art. 111 (high treason), part 5 of Art. 27 h. 1 art. 114 (assistance in collection of information constituting a state secret for the purpose of transferring to a foreign state, a foreign organization or their representatives).

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