Ukrainian Ombudsmen Confirms Russia used human shields

Russian troops hide behind Ukrainian prisoners of war in Zaporizhzhia sector
Russian troops hide behind Ukrainian prisoners of war in Zaporizhzhia sector

Ukrainian ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets has confirmed the authenticity of a video of Russian soldiers using Ukrainian POWs as human shields, which became public on December 13.

"We managed to establish that the video is definitely not edited and it is real. We understand where it was recorded and by whom. In advance, we even have a guess as to which of the servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces committed this crime," the ombudsman said on the air.

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Lubinets added that war crimes by Russians are not isolated cases and that there were other known instances of Russian soldiers using human shields.

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"But the fact that it was caught on video, we didn't have that before," he said.

Read also: Russian military executes Ukrainian POWs near Robotyne, investigation initiated

On December 13, RFE/RL published a video received from defenders of Ukraine in the Rabotny region in the Zaporizhzhia region.

In the video, the Russian occupiers move towards Ukrainian positions and open fire, hiding as Ukrainian prisoners of war. Ukrainian Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets said that this is another violation of the Geneva Convention by the aggressor country.

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