Ukrainian Soldier Recites Persian Love Poem

Footage of a Ukrainian soldier reciting a Persian poem while mobilizing near Kyiv has drawn attention from social media users in Iran.

This footage was recorded by American photographer Alex Lourie on February 28 near Kyiv. The soldier, identified as Zhenya Perepelitsa, is part of the civilian territorial defense forces, according to the New York Times.

Perepelitsa, who according to the Times lived in Tehran for a time and speaks some Persian, decided to recite the poem after learning that Lourie also knew some of the language. The poem, written by Hamid Mosadegh, is called “Who will tell you the news of my death?”

After the footage began to circulate widely, Iranian users found Perepelitsa’s Instagram page, which they have inundated with messages of support. Credit: Alex Lourie via Storyful

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