Ukrainian turncoat singer performs famous Ukrainian song on Russian TV as flying bombs target homeland

As Russia attacked Ukraine with missiles and drones, Povaliy brazenly sang the iconic song by Volodymyr Ivasyuk on Russian television.

On social media, Ukrainians reacted with disgust to the performance of the iconic song by Povaliy.

"Your hands are (covered) in the blood of Ukrainians who are innocently dying,” one Ukrainian social media user commented.

Other users were equally outraged: “‘I wonder how you sleep at night???’, ‘This is surreal — your homeland is being bombed on New Year's Eve while you sing Chervona Ruta", ‘Rotten-hearted creature’, ‘Shame’, ‘Senile b**ch’, ‘Rotten-hearted traitor’, ‘Traitor! When Ukraine is bombed, she sings and dances for the executioners of her people.’”

Other users sarcastically commented that Povaliy might in fact be a Ukrainian agent: “‘Ukrainians used to celebrate with Russian songs, now Russians (party) with Ukrainian ones. Ukrainianization in progress. Bravo, Agent Povaliy!’, ‘Impudence has no borders.’"

Russia launched another massive missile attack on Ukraine on Dec. 31. Air raid alerts continued in Kyiv and the region in the afternoon on New Year's Eve. Another alert sounded about 35 minutes after midnight on Jan. 1

The Russian military attacked the capital with missiles and kamikaze drones. The Air Force reported the destruction of 45 Shahed flying bomb drones.

Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine