The Ultimate "Stranger Things" Trivia Quiz

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix

From Seventeen

If the Stranger Things characters were real-life people, you'd totally want to be friends with them - but would you be worthy enough to hang with their crew? (Aka, are you the right amount of geeky meets adorkableness with a killer taste in music?)

You've already binged the show like 764 times, so surely you're a total expert on the hit Netflix sci-fi series, right? We've compiled questions from your favorite show to put you to the test. No pressure, but if you don't pass this quiz, either the Demogorgon or the Mind Flayer will attack you. Sorry, we don't make the rules here.

Photo credit: Courtesy of Netflix
Photo credit: Courtesy of Netflix
Photo credit: Courtesy Netflix
Photo credit: Courtesy Netflix
Photo credit: Courtesy Netflix
Photo credit: Courtesy Netflix


1 Four; 2. Jane; 3. Tony Todd from "Candyman;" 4. The Clash; 5. "The Test;" 6. Sinclair; 7. Jennifer; 8. California; 9. "Dig Dug;" 10. By trying to open a can of beer with a knife; 11. Mr. Baldo; 12. "Anne of Green Gables"


Hi, yes, we're calling the police after seeing your score. You can't possibly consider yourself a ~true~ Stranger Things fan with a low score like that, right? Look at Joyce right now. She is freaking TF out for you. And we are, too. Would you even be ready if a Demogorgon attacked right now? Well, WOULD YOU BE?! Time to go back and rewatch this show. You'll thank us later.


Not bad, not bad. It's not "four puffs of the Farrah Fawcett Spray" amazing or anything, but we think you're pretty swell and would definitely invite you to our weekly Dungeons & Dragons game night. See you there? Please bring Eggos. Don't ask why; just go with it.


You are seriously bitchin'! We're giving you all the chocolate pudding we can find, and we can't wait to coordinate our Halloween costumes with you this year. Only ~true~ Stranger Things fans get to be part of our crew. So, don't worry if you "should stay or should you go," because you made the cut!

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