
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Lee Vernoy says goodbye to Great Falls Tribune readers after 23 years

Lee Vernoy, Great Falls Tribune sports reporter, October 1, 2021.
Lee Vernoy, Great Falls Tribune sports reporter, October 1, 2021.

I never rehearsed for this day.

Oh sure, I've tried writing this particular column my last and final column several times, chock-full of glowing words to those I've worked with and the many teams and events I've covered in my 23 years as part of the sports desk at the Great Falls Tribune, only to wipe everything out with one press of a button.

I believe the late U.S. Army General Norman Schwarzkopf would have called it "bovine scatology." But then, he had a whole bunch of TV cameras pointed at him. All I have is the monitor on this laptop as I write.

I could talk about my early days as a "sports clerk," my excitement at being selected to cover the CMR Holiday Classic, and my first NAIA National Wrestling Tournament at what is now Bill Swarthout Fieldhouse before what was then the University of Great Falls even had a wrestling team.

Those were the good old days, every one a learning experience in a budding journalist's career.

Yet, I want to remember some of the people I've had to great fortune to work with, not only within the walls of the Great Falls Tribune but outside of those walls in many cases, just plain outside. After all, there is a reason this great state is known as "Big Sky Country."

Included in this select group of people are some outstanding journalists: George Geise, Scott Mansch, Mike Towne, Scott Thompson, Matt Oschner, Steve Schreck, Mark Robertson, Grady Higgins.

And yet, I would be remiss if I did not invoke the name of Curt Backa.

Those of you who know me know that I have been an active bowler within the Great Falls chapter of the United States Bowling Congress for almost 20 years, so I had a pretty good knowledge of bowling lingo and terminology, and I knew the difference between hitting my board and getting bored.

I knew that Curt had been undergoing chemotherapy, I just didn't know what kind of cancer he had, nor did I know how serious it was ... until the end came.

It was at his memorial service when several in the bowling community who knew I was at the Tribune asked if I was going to take over Curt's column. Honestly, I hadn't given it much thought before then, nor had I given it much thought since. I asked Scott about writing the column, and he said, "Sure; why not?"

I had taken over Curt's desk (which meant I inherited his office phone number), and in my first TPT column, I mentioned there were a pair of shoes under his desk that had been left behind much too large for my size 10 feet.

That will always be my tribute to Curt Backa. There are some people in this world and this industry who you can learn from by asking questions, taking notes and learning off their knowledge.

And then, there are those you can study simply by shutting your mouth and opening your eyes and ears. Fortunately, I was able to learn a lot about this business from Curt, not just by asking, but by watching.

And by not trying on his shoes.

I have had the great fortune of knowing several fine athletes high school, collegiate and professional. And I have discovered that, for every Tom LaSorda, there's an Alex Lowry, or a Tony Forster. For every Tom Brady, there's a Reed Harris. For every Allie Olsen, there's a Lauren Lindseth ready to pop onto the scene. And for every Cam McNamee headed to Cal Tech, there's an 11-year-old learning the fundamentals of the position.

And for every Byron Boyd and Val Scheevel, there's some youngster who just got their first serve across the net saying to themselves: "I can play for them."

To the coaches and players of the teams who have thrilled us, whether you finished 31-0 or 1-15, keep on playing the right way. There's plenty of young eyes following your every move.

To those of you who have blessed me with your kind words and encouragement, especially following the events of March 13, 2020, I thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

And friends, that finishes my unfinished business.

Contact Lee Vernoy at

This article originally appeared on Great Falls Tribune: Great Falls Tribune's sports reporter Lee Vernoy says goodbye