Unincorporated Larimer County to lift fire restrictions Monday

Fire restrictions in unincorporated Larimer County will expire Monday, Aug. 29, thanks to a combination of factors including significant amounts of rainfall over the last few weeks.

Justin Whitesell, emergency operations manager for the Larimer County Sheriff's Office, recommended Tuesday that county commissioners let the current fire restrictions expire. Frequent rainfall, cooler temperatures at night and a decrease in outdoor recreation have reduced fire risk significantly, he said.

Whitesell also noted that stage 1 fire restrictions expired in the Arapahoe and Roosevelt National Forests earlier this month, signaling a lower fire risk throughout the county and across the state.

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U.S. Forest Service officials said in a press release that the active monsoon season helped blunt drought conditions and will continue to do so, which contributed to the decision to remove fire restrictions for now. Other factors included "better than normal" amounts of moisture in small grasses, shrubs and fallen trees, which can prevent wildfires from spreading quickly, as well as available firefighting resources nationally and locally.

Commissioner Jody Shadduck-McNally asked what many Coloradans are now wondering: Are we through the worst of the fire season?

Unfortunately there's no definitive answer, especially after last year's late-season Marshall Fire which destroyed nearly 1,100 homes in Louisville, Superior and unincorporated Boulder County in late December.

"It's something we have to monitor year round," said Whitesell. "I think we'll be OK for the next two weeks."

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What activities will be allowed with fire restrictions lifted?

The following activities will be allowed in unincorporated Larimer County after fire restrictions are lifted:

  • Open fires, including camping and cooking fires.

  • Smoking out in the open, including on trails, at parks or in open spaces.

  • Certain uses of fireworks and fireworks displays.

  • Certain uses of combustible devices, which includes sky lanterns, exploding ammunition, exploding targets or tracer ammunition.

  • Welding outdoors, depending on the conditions.

Fireworks, exploding targets and tracer bullets are never allowed on National Forest System lands, however. Now that stage 1 fire restrictions have been lifted, activities that are allowed on those lands include:

  • Starting, building or using a fire — including fires fueled by charcoal or briquettes — outside a permanent metal or concrete fire pit or grate installed by the forest service at campgrounds and picnic areas.

  • Smoking when in an enclosed vehicle or building, at a developed recreation site or while stopped in an area at least 3 feet in diameter that is barren and cleared of all flammable materials.

  • Operating a chainsaw with an effective and properly installed spark arrestor, a fire extinguisher and a shovel.

  • Blasting, welding or operating a torch with an open flame in a cleared area of at least 10 feet in diameter and having a fire extinguisher.

While there are no temporary fire restrictions in place, the Forest Service and Larimer County officials remind people that fire prevention and campfire safety should always be a priority when recreating. Safe practices include:

  • Always checking fire restrictions in the area before visiting.

  • Using designated metal campfire rings when allowed and available.

  • Considering safer alternatives with shut-off switches.

  • Making sure campfires are completely out before abandoning them by drowning, stirring and feeling ashes with the back of your hand.

  • Never leaving fires unattended.

Whitesell said he and his office will continue to monitor conditions and will make recommendations to restore restrictions if conditions change.

Coloradoan reporter Sady Swanson contributed to this report.

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This article originally appeared on Fort Collins Coloradoan: Unincorporated Larimer County to lift fire restrictions