University of Minnesota Rochester extends admissions period

Feb. 8—ROCHESTER — The University of Minnesota Rochester has extended its admissions deadline to June 1, 2024.

Admitted students will now have until June 1, 2024 to confirm their enrollment to UMR, according to a press release from the university. The extension will allow students more time to receive financial aid offers, adjust any changes to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) that may be needed and help in the decision-making process for families and students.

Delays with the launch of the newly remade FAFSA have prolonged financial aid packaging, impacting the traditional May 1 National College Decision Day date, the university press release said. FAFSA wasn't available until the end of December 2023, or about three months later than normal. Several other schools across the county have also extended their commitment deadlines.

"Making an informed decision on a student's academic future is essential. We want to ensure incoming students and their parents have the information they need to make the best decision. UMR has and always will be committed to student success, and we are hopeful this additional time will provide students and their parents with time to ask questions, seek advice and make an informed decision as they consider the University of Minnesota Rochester," shares Terry Whittum, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management.