'An unlikely team,' including Jacksonville man, rescues pets in Turkey after earthquake

After the massive February earthquake in Turkey, a Jacksonville-based animal rescuer responded by traveling about 6,300 miles to Antakya, a city in the hardest-hit region of the country.

Mike Merrill, founder and executive director of Florida Urgent Rescue Inc., or FUR, was part of an international team. The American, British and Polish contingent, who first came together to save animals in war-torn Ukraine last year, reconvened in Turkey to do the same in conjunction with Turkish animal rescue organizations.

"There are some familiar problems in every disaster," he said. "People were killed or injured, and people and animals are homeless. In our experience, in every disaster the local animal rescues and shelters are always overwhelmed and they always need help. We wanted to help."

They knew the worst-hit area was Antakya, in the Hatay province in southern Turkey, about 12 miles from the Syrian border. "That’s where they needed the most help, so that’s where we went," he said.

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Merrill was in Turkey eight days from March 5 to the 13. The scene on the ground was horrific.

"As far as the eye can see, row after row of apartment buildings are vacant," he said. "Buildings that are still standing are in danger of collapse, so the government condemned every building to prevent further loss of life during additional aftershocks. People still there are describing it as a ghost town."

Most survivors have departed. Many of the ones who remain live in tents or containers, in makeshift refugee camps.

A stray dog walks alone in the rubble of Antakya in Turkey, a city ravaged by a massive February earthquake.
A stray dog walks alone in the rubble of Antakya in Turkey, a city ravaged by a massive February earthquake.

"The situation is tragic on so many levels," Merrill said. "Everybody we met has lost family, friends and neighbors. They’ve lost their homes, their livelihoods and their loved ones. Even the people working in the shelters have lost their homes. It’s devastating and heartbreaking."

The search for human survivors has ended, but many people are still looking for lost pets.

"Some found their pets but have no way to get them veterinary care. Others have evacuated to other cities and are desperate for help finding their lost pets," he said. "Countless animals were injured, killed and homeless. We saw many dogs and cats picking their way through the rubble and wandering deserted streets."

Government suspicious of outsiders

But the team faced many barriers, from huge piles of rubble and unsafe buildings to local authorities questioning their presence.

The "mind-blowing trip" to Turkey was in some ways worse than the team's experience in Ukraine, Merrill said, because it was "the first time we went into a disaster area and had to worry about being arrested by the police or military."

"They had arrested 90 journalists by the time we arrived for reporting stories that showed the government in a bad light, so we had to be careful what we said," he said.

An international animal rescue team that included Mike Merrill of Jacksonville visited earthquake-ravaged Turkey and found this dog at a shelter near death with a badly damaged and infected leg. The team demanded the shelter perform surgery and assisted in the procedure, even though staff threatened to call authorities. The dog's leg was amputated.
An international animal rescue team that included Mike Merrill of Jacksonville visited earthquake-ravaged Turkey and found this dog at a shelter near death with a badly damaged and infected leg. The team demanded the shelter perform surgery and assisted in the procedure, even though staff threatened to call authorities. The dog's leg was amputated.

The Turkish government had also banned outside NGOs — nongovernmental organizations or nonprofits — because of suspicions that journalists were embedded among them.

"Our Polish and British team was turned away at the border for bringing in humanitarian supplies. We had to remove all the signs from their vehicles and pull strings to get them through another border crossing," Merrill said.

They knew which buildings might still have pets inside through Telegram, a popular messaging app in Turkey that set up a special channel for missing pets after the earthquake. In buildings where they could safely maneuver, they searched for pets. In dangerous buildings, they place traps for particular residents' pets.

During those visits, local authorities would regularly appear.

"The police or military showed up to ask what we were doing. We had to be careful not to say 'rescue' since the government suspended all rescue operations and banned outside NGOs," Merrill said. "We said, 'We're trapping cats [or dogs] for the owner.' Needless to say, we had to watch our words. Even now, we don't want to cause problems for our Turkish partners.

"We take our freedom of speech for granted here in the U.S. They don’t have the privilege," he said.

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But the team has been assertive when necessary. At a government shelter, they discovered a dying dog in a food trough. His leg was severely injured in the earthquake and had become infected.

"When we offered to take him to another rescue, they called the police and the military. We managed to not get arrested, but we insisted on immediate surgery and we assisted during the procedure" to amputate the injured leg, he said.

"In Ukraine, we were worried about Russian bombs, but we were welcomed by the Ukrainian authorities and people. In Turkey, the government doesn't want any outside help, even though the people and animals desperately need it," he said. "It’s hard to comprehend why they would turn away organizations bringing in supplies, but that’s the official government position."

Still, the team was able to rescue about 35 dogs and cats from the rubble and provided medicine and veterinary supplies to help several hundred more. Also, they brought traps, crates and carriers, among other things.

In the Turkish city of Antakya, Jacksonville-based Mike Merrill, right, poses with other members of his international animal rescue team: from left, Chloe Kennedy of Dogs Life Rescue in Britain, Tomas Rombalski (at rear) and Agnieszka Kowalczyk of Million Hearts Foundation in Poland and Dave Rogers of Dogs Life Rescue.
In the Turkish city of Antakya, Jacksonville-based Mike Merrill, right, poses with other members of his international animal rescue team: from left, Chloe Kennedy of Dogs Life Rescue in Britain, Tomas Rombalski (at rear) and Agnieszka Kowalczyk of Million Hearts Foundation in Poland and Dave Rogers of Dogs Life Rescue.

"At the request of one of our Turkish partners, I flew over with rabies vaccines in a cold storage pack because they can’t get them there. When I arrived, I learned that they need all vaccines, not just rabies," he said.Most of the saved animals went to rescues or shelters operating in the Hatay province, which includes Antakya. Two dogs were brought to a shelter in Istanbul.

"Every rescue and shelter in Turkey has taken in dogs from the earthquake," Merrill said.

Heartbroken families still looking for lost pets

Other team members were Agnieszka Kowalczyk and Tomas Rombalski from the Million Hearts Foundation in Poland and Dave Rogers and Chloe Kennedy from Dogs Life Rescue in Britain. The group worked with Turkish animal rescue organizations Tanisan Seversin and Haytap. Several of Merrill's rescue partners initially introduced the team to Turkish rescue groups.

"We’re an unlikely team, from different countries and different backgrounds," Merrill said. "What we have in common is our love of animals and a desire to help."

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Kowalczyk is a founder of Million Hearts Foundation, a nonprofit based in Karzcino, North Poland, that works in animal protection and delivering aid for people and animals in war and disaster areas.

"We rescue injured, abandoned dogs and cats," she said "… They receive full veterinary care and as soon as they recover we look for responsible homes for them, not only in Poland but also around the world. We have sent our animals to the United States, England, Nederland, Germany, Canada, France and Switzerland.

"Our main goal is to create a safe zone for animals, part of heaven for those who had been through so much already," she said.

Kowalczyk and fellow foundation staff met Merrill during a Ukraine rescue mission about a year ago.

"Mike is a very well-organized person, always on time and ready to help. He is kind, he is also keeping the standards of work high and I really like that," she said. "It's just easier to cooperate with reliable people around. We created an international team and that works for us very well. … We are supporting each other, we are responsible for each other."

At a shelter in the Hatay province of Turkey, Jacksonville-based animal rescuer Mike Merrill comforts a canine survivor of the massive earthquake that hit the country in February.
At a shelter in the Hatay province of Turkey, Jacksonville-based animal rescuer Mike Merrill comforts a canine survivor of the massive earthquake that hit the country in February.

Team members, she said, "would do anything to help animals. That is causing troubles sometimes, especially in a country like Turkey.

"We had a few adventures but were always thinking fast and reacting fast. When Mike was leaving he said, 'Agnieszka, try to not go to jail please,'" she said. "It's not that we are troublemakers, but we really would do anything to save animals. … We had to make sure we will help, not disturb Turkish organizations and security services."

The goal is finding missing pets, without going to jail.

"It's so important to help those people, to reunite them with pets. It's very heartbreaking to see when people are crying because they can't find their family members," Kowalczyk said. "That's also a huge motivation.

"It is dangerous work, but it's also a passion," she said. "Tears of happiness from the owners are the best award. Unfortunately, I am still getting messages that the amount of animals to find is getting way bigger. Many escaped from the buildings and are still not with their owners."

Kowalczyk is seeking sponsors for another rescue mission to Turkey. Merrill said he is not returning, at least not yet, but is gathering veterinary supplies to be there when the next team arrives.

bcravey@jacksonville.com, (904) 359-4109


Florida Urgent Rescue: floridaurgentrescue.org, facebook.com/floridaurgentrescue

Million Hearts Foundation (Poland): millionhearts.com.pl, facebook.com/MillionHeartsPL

Dogs Life Rescue (U.K.): dogsliferescue.co.uk, facebook.com/groups/265562409126485

Tanisan Seversin (Turkey): tanisanseversin.org, instagram.com/tanisanseversindernegi

HayTap (Turkey): haytap.org, facebook.com/HAYTAP

This article originally appeared on Florida Times-Union: Jacksonville man helps find lost and injured pets in Turkey earthquake