Upgraded Industries owner relocates to expand his training facility

Apr. 9—A year ago, DJ Jacobucci found himself in a position to relocate Upgraded Industries because of growth in business.

Now, the owner of what has evolved into a fully functioning fitness facility and recovery/rehabilitation center in Mentor plans to host Rumble in the Pit to mark being in the new space for a year. The event, which also took place last year as part of Upgraded's grand opening, is scheduled for 10 a.m. June 10 at 7673 St. Clair Ave.

In addition to hosting the powerlifting meet, as well as a tournament, vendors, a food truck and bounce houses for children will be featured during the event.

"It's been rewarding," Jacobucci said. "I moved literally 50 feet away. I've been talking to the landlord about purchasing the building because there are two more identical units behind where I'm at."

Upgraded Industries originated in 2017 as a bodybuilding gym by Jacobucci, offering personal training, HIIT classes, boxing, mixed martial arts, Brazilian jiu-jitsu and yoga. On one side of the new space is the fitness center, weight room and cardio area, which is 24 hours. On the opposite side, athlete training takes place.

"We have a lot of professional athletes who train there," Jacobucci said. "A couple Cavs players are doing some of their training there. We also train professional fighters, and police officers up until they get their blue belt, which is significant. We have youth classes, adult classes and a little bit of everything."

Prior to relocating, Jacobucci had been trying to create space where he could.

"I'm not one for liking a lot of clutter, especially in a guy, where you're trying to work out," he said. "I had so much I was offering and that I could offer. I wanted to make sure I would still be able to provide it."

Originally, Jacobucci was supposed to take over the other side of the building he was in, but the occupants of that space decided they were not going to move.

"I had a buddy who worked next door, and he came over and was like, 'DJ, we're pulling out of here. What do you think?'" Jacobucci said. "It was a company that manufactured and shipped doors. The walls were covered in metal shavings and dirt, and it was not a very clean place."

Although hard to initially envision, Jacobucci saw potential in the new location.

"It was a building I needed," he said. "It's a double unit, so I have my fitness center on one side where my other side, I concentrate on other areas, which is what's growing my business now. The one catch was 60 days to go to a gym from a door factory, so I pulled out all my favors from my buddies, who have helped many times."

For the first week after claiming the space on St. Clair Avenue, Jacobucci and his friends were in the building scrubbing and blowing away all of the metal, and cobwebs.

"A couple nights, I slept there, scraping paint off of walls," Jacobucci said. "It was quite extensive, but I had a lot of great help."

By relocating, Jacobucci was able to introduce what he's been wanting to introduce: the physical side of health, but the recovery side of it. He has since brought in a physical therapy company to help people recover.

"We do dry needling, physical therapy, massage therapy, so inside my gym, I have my own clinic to help all people recover, not just athletes," Jacobucci said. "It's a one-stop shop. I don't want to be labeled as just a gym. I want to be labeled as a complete and overall training facility."

Prior to starting Upgraded Industries, Jacobucci was a firefighter and paramedic. He also has an extensive background in bodybuilding and diet training. Along with wrestling from a young age, Jacobucci's passion grew for mixed martial arts. He ater became a world champion in Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

After Upgraded Industries reopened post-pandemic, it had just shy of 1,000 members. Since then, Jacobucci said business has been booming.

"It has become the gym for all ages, lifting styles and for someone who is a professional athlete or just starting out," he said. "You don't see too many gyms that are built like this. I have a gym that looks intense, but you'll see a 75-year-old grandmother out there with a 20-year-old college kid. It's a gym for everybody."

Jacobucci has always looked for ways to better his business. An athlete and firefighter for the majority of his life, he always found that he enjoyed helping people.

"The personal growth, business growth, the mental and physical growth of so many around me in these walls has brought me so much peace," Jacobucci said. "Health is worth everything. If you dream it, you can achieve it."
