Upstate LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce offers resources for often-marginalized community

The mission of the Upstate LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce is to give its community a voice, to identify safe places to live, conduct business and work, and to create a seat at the table where decisions are made.

“It's a lot easier to get folks' attention when you start talking about money. The queer community in the United States spends $1 trillion every year,” says Tyler Prescott, who is executive director of the Upstate LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce, which formed in May of 2020.

Tyler Prescott moved from western Massachusetts about 10 years ago and helped form the LGBT+ Chamber last year.
Tyler Prescott moved from western Massachusetts about 10 years ago and helped form the LGBT+ Chamber last year.

“We estimate that 100,000 LGBT people live in and around the Upstate,” he says. “Their money spends the same way that everyone else's does.”

But finding safe and inviting places to buy services can be difficult for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or have sexual and gender identities that do not conform to society’s norms.

“If I want somebody to come into my house to fix my plumbing, I am vulnerable. More marginalized communities are more vulnerable,” Prescott says.

“If a transgender person was trying to find an electrician, it would be almost impossible. How do I find a doctor or a massage therapist? How do I find a barber who won't question me if I want my hair cut in a gender-non-conforming way? I don't want to have that conversation all the time.”

So, the Upstate LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce has created a directory of about 130 businesses that offer services ranging from public relations to medical care and from catering to interior design, along with professionals like attorneys, veterinarians, real estate agents and wedding planners.

The people who own and manage those businesses may not be part of the LGBT+ community, but they welcome those who are.

“Probably 40% of the businesses in our directory are allied organizations, who have said our values align with your values. ‘We like your programming, and we would like to have access to your community,’” Prescott says.

Those businesses, in turn, help the LGBT+ Chamber influence policy and politics.

“Our elected representatives start to listen to us when businesses get involved,” he says.

Prescott points to a resolution adopted by the Greenville County Council in 1996 that declared that homosexuality was incompatible with community standards. The resolution did not have the power of law. But it was not rescinded until 2020 when the council agreed that all resolutions would expire after four years.

“A lot of local activists worked for years to sunset that,” Prescott says. “It took a lot of work behind the scenes to get businesses and influential allies involved. When they did, that's when we started to see progress.”

Currently, the Human Rights Campaign is one of the largest national advocates for equal rights, he says.

The HRC publishes annual surveys of municipalities and businesses. Corporations that have a high score sometimes advertise with the HRC logo, a blue square with a yellow equal sign inside.

TD Bank, where Prescott once worked, scored a perfect 100.

The City of Greenville didn’t fare as well. The 10th Annual Municipality Equality Index studied laws, services, leadership, housing and other issues. In South Carolina, Columbia scored 82 out of 100; Charleston scored 81; Greenville scored 33; and Clemson scored 0.

“Clemson has never gotten a single point,” Prescott says.

Clemson University and the City of Clemson want to be more equitable, as do Greenville County and the City of Greenville, he says. “We’ve engaged in productive conversations with city officials and staff in Greenville – and other towns – about how to make their cities safer for us.”

The LGBT+ chamber has fielded at least 50 emails from local business owners who want to know how to commemorate Pride Month, which is in June.

“If you want to celebrate queer people, get them involved,” Prescott says. “If you're going to cater lunch, use a queer-owned caterer. If you're going to buy cupcakes, use somebody in our directory.”

Not every problem is solved as easily.

“The LGBT folks who work for you are also gay the other 11 months of the year. Make sure your policies are inclusive and thoughtful of the LGBT community. The person who wrote your employee handbook 15 years ago wasn't thinking about those issues,” Prescott says.

Sarah Cochran, co-founder and Treasurer of the LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce, owns and operates Bar Margaret in the Village of West Greenville. The bar hosted a fundraiser at Christmas to help LGBT families
Sarah Cochran, co-founder and Treasurer of the LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce, owns and operates Bar Margaret in the Village of West Greenville. The bar hosted a fundraiser at Christmas to help LGBT families

Businesses might need to make sure that employees, vendors and suppliers are not discriminating based on sexuality or gender identity, he says, or companies might need to offer trans-inclusive health-care benefits.

“That may be expensive. But it’s the right thing to do.”

Prescott, who moved to Greenville from western Massachusetts 10 years ago, is Director of Operations for Kiona Technologies – when he’s not running the chamber. He’s also the Executive Producer of Alchemy Comedy Theater at Coffee Underground.

Kiona Technologies’ inclusive atmosphere is important to Prescott. And he’s become a fan of the Upstate.

“I love it here. There are so many good people here. There's a really good community. I'm not leaving.” Prescott says.

He says many do leave because services for the LGBT community don’t exist or because people don’t know how to find them.

“The chamber’s hope is to stand in that gap. Let me help you find a barber. Let me help you find a coffee shop that is willing to pledge to be a supportive business.”

The LGBT+ Chamber hosted 70 events in its first year. “It was important to hit the ground running. The business community needs that support.”

Professional and social events promote trust, Prescott says.

“Let's meet each other. Let's learn about each other. Let’s be there for each other.”

The LGBT+ Chamber has also joined other chambers and organizations so that they can advocate for the business issues of marginalized people.

“The LGBT community needs to have a seat at the table. But that still means somebody else controls who gets invited to sit at that table. We need to build our own table,” Prescott says.

“We need to learn to support ourselves and our business interests, to use our own services, to promote ourselves – and to provide the training, support and advocacy that those businesses need.”

This article originally appeared on Greenville News: Upstate LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce offers resources for its community
