US newspaper mocks Britain: 'Truss did not outlast a lettuce'

The international media mocked Liz Truss for last less time than the Daily Star's lettuce. (PA)
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International media figures and politicians have mocked the downfall of Liz Truss, with the Washington Post saying in the end she "did not outlast a wilting lettuce."

The US paper referenced the Daily Stars' live stream which featured a head of lettuce and the question of who would last longer, the PM or the lettuce.

In the end, the head of lettuce won.

The joke first originated from an Economist article calling Truss "The Iceberg Lady" where they predicted her downfall would come sooner than it takes for a head of lettuce to go bad.

This was then followed up by the Daily Star launching its live stream on 14 October.

A lettuce has a 10-day shelf life, Truss lasted six days from the start of the stream.

She resigned on Thursday after weeks of political turmoil caused by her mini-budget split the Conservative Party and caused many of her own MPs to lose confidence in her.

The Daily Star celebrated their lettuce's victory on Twitter and shined party lights over the stream.

The Daily Star's lettuce outlasted Truss. (Twitter)
The Daily Star's lettuce outlasted Truss. (Twitter)

Read more: Apologies, u-turns and sackings: 7 days of mini-budget chaos which ended Liz Truss's premiership

Other international media, as well as a few politicians, have also taken a potshot at Truss and the UK over its recent political turmoil.

Former Russian President Dimitry Medvedev said: "Bye, bye Liz Truss, congrats to lettuce."

The Russian foreign ministry welcomed her resignation labelling her as a "disgrace."

British allies took a more cautionary tone when discussing the prime minister's resignation.

French President Emmanuel Macron said: "I won't comment on this issue which relates to British politics, but what I want to say is that we always had very constructive meetings and exchanges over the phone, no later than a few days ago in Prague.


Read more: Liz Truss entitled to £115,000 a year despite only serving 45 days as PM

"I also want to say that France, as a friend of the British people, wishes for stability and in this context of war and tensions over the energy crisis, it is important that Great Britain sets out again on the path of political stability and that's all I wish for.

"On a personal level, I am always sad to see a colleague leave and I hope that stability will come back."

US President Joe Biden said: "The United States and the United Kingdom are strong allies and enduring friends - and that fact will never change.

"I thank prime minister Liz Truss for her partnership on a range of issues including holding Russia accountable for its war against Ukraine.

"We will continue our close co-operation with the UK government as we work together to meet the global challenges our nations face."

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said: "I had a good contact with her... so I'm annoyed for her personally.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said he was annoyed for Liz Truss. (Reuters)
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said he was annoyed for Liz Truss. (Reuters)

"We agreed on a whole range of views and I'm looking forward to work with who will be my next colleague.

"It will be the fifth one, I believe."

Rebecca Armitage, who works for Australian Broadcasting Corp, said the UK should now call a general election "after their government descended into chaos, in-fighting and betrayal, they want a say in what happens next."

Over in Canada, Tom Rachman, columnist at Canada's Globe And Mail, blamed Brexit "which hastened the decline of a major power while thrusting dunces and charlatans into command."

He added: "Britain must summon courage now, and view itself honestly. Government by lettuce, it turns out, leads only to the compost heap.

"A humbling was due. A humbling is here."