US says Russia has used at least nine North Korean ballistic missiles against Ukraine

Robert Wood at a meeting of the UN Security Council
Robert Wood at a meeting of the UN Security Council

Russia has fired at least nine ballistic missiles provided by North Korea in its war against Ukraine, according to US Deputy Permanent Representative Robert Wood at a meeting of the UN Security Council on Feb. 6.

Such actions violate Russia’s obligations under UN Security Council resolutions.

Wood said that arms supplies and possible technology transfers from Russia to North Korea pose a threat to regional stability and the global regime of non-proliferation.

Read also: At least one North Korean ballistic missile downed over Kyiv – report

In his speech, Wood also said that Russia is responsible for the Feb. 3 tragedy in Lysychansk, Donetsk oblast where at least 28 people were killed.

Wood reaffirmed that Ukraine continues to seek peace, despite Putin's lack of interest in a peaceful resolution of the war. He also said that the Ukrainian government is ready to fully investigate any allegations of violations or abuses by its own forces.

Russian troops are particularly brutal towards the Ukrainian population, according to Wood, despite Russia's supposed “concern” for civilians. He added that the Kremlin is fully responsible for the consequences of its aggressive war against Ukraine in violation of the UN Charter.

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