USA Made Supplement Selected As Best Brand Garcinia Cambogia / January 07, 2014 / ACCESSWIRE / The USA made nutritional supplement Garcinia Cambogia Select has been named the Best Garcinia Cambogia product by, a leading international destination for news and product information about specialty nutritional supplements. Click here for more information about Garcinia Cambogia Select

Since early 2013, nutritional supplements containing garcinia cambogia extract have been a popular nutritional supplement for their purported potential to help people lose weight. The odd sounding name refers to a fruit better known as tamarind. The substance gained popularity as a weight loss aid after being touted by a celebrity doctor who hosts a TV show in the United States along with a physician guest who recommended it as a substance that burns fat and suppresses appetite. Despite limited scientific evidence supporting those claims, products containing garcinia cambogia became top selling nutritional supplements in the United States and eventually in throughout the world. For information about garcinia cambogia side effects go to

In addition to garcinia supplements, supplements made from green coffee bean extracts are another popular nutritional product touted as an effective weight loss aid. Green coffee extract is believed to aid with weight loss by helping control high blood sugar as a result of an ingredient contained in raw coffee beans called chlorogenic acid. In the case of garcinia supplements, the active ingredient is thought to be hydroxycitric acid. Taken together, garcinia cambogia extracts and green coffee extracts presently dominate the market for natural weight loss helpers. The celebrity doctor with the popular TV show in the US enthusiastically recommended both substances for weight loss. Obesity and excess weight are huge health issues in the West thought by many medical experts to either be a major contributor to a variety of health problems and diseases, and by some to be a significant side effect of metabolic issues stemming from poor diet and/or excess amounts of sugar in processed foods, among other dietary issues. Regardless of the precise causes, millions of people struggle with excess weight and the problem seems to get worse every year.

The nutritional supplement selected by as the best value brand of garcinia cambogia is Garcinia Cambogia Select. Garcinia Cambogia Select is made in the USA and contains 50% hydroxycitric acid (or HCA) making it one of the most potent garcinia products available. Regarding dosage, the manufacturer recommended garcinia cambogia dose is three (3) capsules daily taken 30 minutes prior to each primary meal with an 8 ounce glass of water. The serving size is one (1) capsule so each bottle containing 90 capsules is a 1-month supply. Garcinia Cambogia Select is 100% natural. Consumers are assured they are buying a product with the quality standards of a USA made product and Garcinia Cambogia Select is backed by a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee.

There are no fillers, preservatives, artificial ingredients or additives in Garcinia Cambogia Select. The ingredients label for Garcinia Cambogia Select is on display at now has a special quantity discount offer on Garcinia Cambogia Select. Customers ordering 3 bottles (which is a 3-month supply) get an additional 3 bottles free. Each bottles contains 90 capsules, which is a one-month supply.

Garcinia Pure ships worldwide to hundreds of countries including the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Great Britain, Denmark, The Netherlands and many more.

About is based in New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA and provides health and nutrition news and features. also offers discounted shopping for premium specialty nutritional supplements and products for fitness, weight loss, and healthy living. advises consumers that the information it offers is for informational purposes and should not be used as medical advice and, to always consult with a licensed physician or pharmacist before beginning any supplementation program, especially for persons with underlying medical conditions, or who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

