VA touts new suicide crisis line, but is it ready?

According to the latest survey conducted by the Rand Corp., the new 988 emergency mental health line is not prepared for the rollout on July 16 for the general population.

The survey states, “less than half of public health officials expressed confidence their jurisdiction was prepared in terms of financing, staffing or infrastructure.” The health officials contacted direct the programs for more than “120 million Americans — roughly one third of the United States.”

Many communities throughout America have had neither the time or money to prepare for what many mental health advocates and experts have warned is a bus waiting for the wheels to fall off.

Patricia Wilson, Times Writers Group member, 2019
Patricia Wilson, Times Writers Group member, 2019

The Department of Veterans Affairs released its announcement July 18 that veterans are now being encouraged to use the new 988 Crisis Line number to “connect with caring, qualified responders 24/7.”

VA Secretary Denis McDonough stated, “this new, shorter number makes it easier for veterans and those who care about them to reach lifesaving support.” Veterans will have the option of dialing 988 and then press 1 to connect with a responder who is trained in veteran mental health issues, according to Secretary McDonough.

However, the original Veterans Crisis Line number 1-800-273-8255, “will remain active for an undetermined amount of time" while rerouting calls through the new 988 system.

The VA Crisis Line averages 2,000 calls per day, and the “VA expects that to increase between 5% and 13% immediately following the launch of the new 988 number, with demand growing from 40% to 60% in the coming years.”

Dr. Matthew Miller, executive director for suicide prevention at the VA, declared at a July 15 roundtable media discussion, “Now that 988 implementation is upon us, we are excited, and we are ready.”


The National Academy for State Health Policy informs us that to date only “21 states have enacted legislation to support the rollout of 988 with funding for more staff and infrastructure.”

VA has stated that it has hired “hundreds of crisis line employees and responder staff, (460 to be exact), and are hiring more personnel to staff the call center.

It would seem the VA would have a better game plan and have their staff trained and ready to roll before switching horses in mid-stream, but VA bureaucracy does not follow simple logic in making decisions.

The Department of Veterans Affairs Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has already raked the VHA over the coals in its June 6 report “Suicide Prevention Coordinators Need Improved Training, Guidance, and Oversight.”  VHA tried to argue that VHA may need to enhance its oversight processes, but the OIG made it clear that much stronger oversight is needed!

To accommodate veterans who communicate by texting more than actual conversations, VA states it is “evaluating a possible new text option for veterans and their supporters to reach caring, qualified responders 24/7.  The implementation timeline is to be determined.”

Veterans in crisis need to know when they make the decision to pick up the phone and ask for help that their call will get to a trained and responsible responder they can trust to help them decide to live rather than die.

Let’s face it folks, when you call that hotline, you do not want to hear you are the eighth caller in line or get cut off.

VA states “No veteran should go through a crisis alone.”

My fellow veterans and I hope and pray we can count on VA to be there for all veterans facing the demon of suicide!

— This is the opinion of Patricia Wilson, a veteran and a resident of St. Cloud. Her column appears monthly.

This article originally appeared on St. Cloud Times: VA touts new suicide crisis line, but is it ready?