Vampires in Vermont? That's what some people thought in 1792.

On a snow-covered February morning in the southern Vermont town of Manchester in the late 1700s, locals gathered to watch the liver, heart and lungs of a young dead women set on fire to drive out the demonic vampire spirits they believed had taken over her soul.

This was in the midst of the New England “vampire panic” of the late 1700s and early 1800s. Residents throughout the region gathered in groups great and small to eradicate the evil they believed inhabited some of their dead. Rachel Harris Burton of Manchester was one such suspect, and her internal organs were burned in a sacrifice in or around 1792.

A Vermont “Legends & Lore” marker will be dedicated at 11 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 6 at the entrance to the cemetery where Burton’s remains are interred. The Vermont Folklife Center and Manchester Historical Society worked with the William G. Pomeroy Foundation and its Legends & Lore program to make the marker project happen.

‘Sacrifice to the Demon Vampire’

On its web page announcing the Aug. 6 event, the Vermont Folklife Center included a link to information from a 19th-century history book detailing events involving Burton’s body.

Judge John S. Pettibone wrote about the early history of Manchester in a manuscript from around 1860, and included a section titled “Tale of the Demon Vampire.” Pettibone told of Burton, the first wife of Capt. Isaac Burton, who died in 1790 and is buried in Factory Point Cemetery in Manchester.

She was a “fine, healthy, beautiful girl,” according to Pettibone’s account, but not long after marrying Capt. Burton the 20-year-old went into decline. After a year or, she died. Capt. Burton remarried and his second wife, Hulda Powell, became ill under similar circumstances.

According to Pettibone, “a strange infatuation took possession of the minds of the connections and friends of the family. They were induced to believe that if the vitals of the first wife could be consumed by being burned in a charcoal fire it would effect a cure of the sick second wife.”

Townspeople disinterred Rachel Burton, Pettibone wrote. “They took out the liver, heart, and lungs, what remained of them, and burned them to ashes on the blacksmith’s forge of Jacob Mead,” according to Pettibone.

“Timothy Mead officiated at the altar in the sacrifice to the Demon Vampire who it was believed was still sucking the blood of the then living wife of Captain Burton,” Pettibone wrote. “It was the month of February and good sleighing. Such was the excitement that from five hundred to one thousand people were present.”

Despite the community’s efforts, Capt. Burton’s second wife succumbed as well, dying in 1793.

Misunderstanding of tuberculosis

Similar stories took place throughout New England. “Some communities in Maine and Plymouth, Massachusetts, opted to simply flip the exhumed vampire facedown in the grave and leave it at that,” according to an October 2012 article by Abigail Tucker in Smithsonian Magazine that was titled “The Great New England Vampire Panic.” “In Connecticut, Rhode Island and Vermont, though, they frequently burned the dead person’s heart, sometimes inhaling the smoke as a cure.”

Often, Tucker wrote, the rituals were conducted in secrecy. “But, particularly in Vermont, they could be quite public, even festive,” according to Tucker. “One vampire heart was reportedly torched on the Woodstock, Vermont, town green in 1830.”

See also:Meet your local monster: Vermont folklore enthusiasts put myths on the map

As the Smithsonian article and other historical documentation points out, the likely cause of those illnesses was not vampirism but consumption, or tuberculosis. The pulmonary illness left those afflicted excessively pale and weak, as if their life blood was being drained from them.

“People dreaded the disease,” Tucker wrote, “without understanding it.” According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the bacteria that causes tuberculosis was not discovered until 1882.

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This article originally appeared on Burlington Free Press: Vampires in Vermont? That's what some people thought in 1792.