
Variety is the spice for your bird feeder's viewing pleasure

A variety of seed can attract more birds to your feeder and putting it close to a shrub or tree can help protect the birds from predators.
A variety of seed can attract more birds to your feeder and putting it close to a shrub or tree can help protect the birds from predators.

The e-mails keep rolling in with reader’s questions or unusual critters they have seen. And I’m loving it, too.

It makes my job easier, don’t you know. Three questions had a similar theme, so I’ll start there.

Tell me about feeding the birds

When is it safe to put out bird feeders while avoiding bear troubles? What is the best birdseed to use for a variety of birds? And, how can I attract more birds (which I assume means into the yard)?

So, here goes.

Black bear usually hibernate sometime between mid-November and mid-December, but that is a generality rather than a fixed rule. If they are well fed and fat, earlier is better. But if a food supply is scarce they may scrounge until early January.

Filled bird feeders, a known and trusted food source for all older bears, are definitely a target of choice.

As for attracting more birds, variety is not only the spice of life but also the key to getting more birds to come to your feeder. A good variety of bird seed will almost always attract the greatest variety of birds.

It is a well-known fact that different bird species prefer different foods. But many species will feed on sunflower seeds, either striped or black-oil. That should be the “base” seed of any local bird feeder.

From there you can add smaller quantities of “mixed” seeds that usually include milo, millet, sorghum and even thistle.

Len Lisenbee
Len Lisenbee

Putting out a suet block, or even several blocks containing a variety of ingredients, is also a good idea. Woodpeckers especially are attracted to these goodies, and they really like peanuts (rounds or bits) in the fat. Some suet contains raisins and/or bits of other fruits, food that other species look for.

The purpose for attracting birds is important, too. Some folks just like seeing the birds while others want to add to their life-list and/or photograph them.

Therefore, bird feeder placement is an important factor to consider. Closer is almost always better for photos or exact identification, while greater distance will often attract the more skittish species.

Remember habitat because it is critically important. I realize it is too late this season to do much altering of habitat before the northern birds arrive, but planting “cover” trees such as evergreens is a great plan for attracting future birds. And even a single Douglas fir or white pine near the feeder will give many bird species a better sense of security.

Thick evergreen trees also help suppress hawk predation. Nothing is more exasperating in my book than to be watching a feeding chickadee and then see it suddenly disappear as a sharp-shin hawk flashes by. Some well-placed trees can at least give birds an escape route and a chance.

There is so much more to be learned about birds, feeding, cover, squirrel and predator prevention. But space is limited, so anyone interested is encouraged to pick up a bird field guide or two that includes this info and probably a lot more.

Rare critters are showing their faces

One of the hard and fast truisms I have learned about wildlife in this part of upstate NY is that those critters will often surprise you, especially when you are least expecting them to turn up. They just show up without warning, whether “they” are a flushing grouse or a tooth-popping groundhog.

I take some solace that other people share the same experiences. One reader, Sarah, of Canandaigua, was minding her own business and hiking a portion of the Finger Lakes Trail near the Italy Valley Road when she almost stepped on a snake in the pathway. From the photos she sent, it was a black rat snake roughly 5.5 feet long. It was a very nice specimen to be sure.

She kept her cool (after catching her breath) and did exactly what she should have done. She tossed her hat nearby (for scale), took some photos, and left the snake alone and untouched. (The photos proved the snake’s species and size to her husband.)

New York has several species of snakes native to its habitat, the black rat snake being just one of the rarer inhabitants. A few months ago a jogger in Letchworth State Park came upon a “golden” rattlesnake, a rare color phase of the relatively common pigmy rattler. That jogger also left the snake strictly alone and reported its position to park personnel.

Sarah reported that her and Jon also observed two half-grown bobcat kittens along the Italy Valley Road. They bounded across the road and back again before disappearing into the nearby woods.

Bobcats are making a serious comeback across the southern hill country of our region, and that is a very good sign of our environment.

Trophy tom made this hunter work

Some retired NYS troopers and their wives were having dinner when a turkey hunting story came up.

It seems that “Sue” and her husband Kevin were hunting on a farm near their home in Yates County on opening day.

Just after sunrise she shot a tom. And she did everything right, running over and securing the bird. She then laid her shotgun down to fill out the tag.

After she had finished filling out the tag and putting it on the bird she turned to pick up her shotgun. But when she turned back around to pick up the turkey, she saw it running away, tag and all. She quickly fired her last two rounds, hitting the tom again. But the bird slid along the ground, over a cliff and into a deep ravine.

Two hours later they finally retrieved that tough old tom turkey. And when they got it home and dried out they found it had five beards and weighed 21 pounds.

And they recently got a letter from the National Wild Turkey Federation informing them that this bird scored as the largest tom turkey ever taken by a female in New York State.

Congratulations, Sue. That is a really great trophy.

Len Lisenbee is the Daily Messenger’s Outdoor Writer. Contact him at

This article originally appeared on MPNnow: Variety is the spice for your bird feeder's viewing pleasure