#VelshiAcrossAmerica: Stories from the cruelest post-Roe regime (Pt.1)

Ali Velshi sat down in Tuscaloosa with six of Alabama’s last abortion providers and advocates, who continue to “fight like Hell” for reproductive rights and women’s health care, despite being up against the most punishing anti-abortion laws in the country. “I fully see the Alabama legislature going towards the criminalization of miscarriage in general… Theres no way to prove your innocence so every miscarriage is going to be investigated”, says Kari Crowe, of Reproductive Health Services in Montgomery. Tuscaloosa Rep. and city attorney Chris England says there’s plenty of reason for fear when you’re “talking about a Class A felony” when you thought you were just having a conversation. And everything is more dangerous if you’re Black or brown, says Yellowhammer Fund’s Jenice Fountain. You speak up about needing help, and you risk family separation.