Veterinary Viewpoint: Improper elimination problems in cats

Whether it’s urinary or fecal, improper elimination is the most common problem cat owners report to us.

Cats not using their litter boxes for elimination is the No. 1 reason many cats end up in animal shelters, as pet owners suspect their cats of having behavioral issues.

What’s frustrating is that cats will sometimes eliminate outside but near the litter box, on a bed, or on clothing.

Some urinary issues can be gender-related such as unneutered male cats over the age of 4 months who may spray to mark their territory.

Cats can be sensitive to stress and owning multiple cats can trigger conflicts over water bowls, food dishes, cat litter and lack of attention.

Feeding and elimination issues can be helped by offering separate areas for feeding and elimination with enough clean litter boxes so that multiple cats have choices.

Rule of thumb, if you have 3 cats, it’s offer 4 litter boxes. The type of litter box is also important. Many cats do not like lids on their litter boxes. Liners can also discourage a cat’s good intentions.

Try experimenting with different kinds of cat litter to see which kind your cat prefers.

The placement of litter boxes is important. Do not put boxes where there is a noise source such as by a noisy appliance or a furnace or under stairs where cats can be startled.

It’s a fact that the majority of elimination problems usually have a medical basis.

Signs of physical distress might include having accidents in the house, yowling when urinating, seeing blood in the urine, and frequent urination.

Certain diseases can provoke inappropriate elimination. Cats can suffer from kidney stones, crystal formations in the bladder, bladder infections, and diseases of the urinary tract which can cause pain and an increased urgency to urinate. With these conditions, cats will drink more water.

There are also age-related conditions involving the cognitive (brain function) decline along with endocrine disorders such as hyperthyroidism and diabetes that might also lead to changes in elimination and inappropriate soiling outside the litter box.

Cats are normally fastidious about their hygiene. If your cat is leaving feces on himself, there may be a medical reason. Medical problems that can create difficulty or discomfort when a cat has a bowel movement might lead to poor bowel control or increased defecation and house soiling.

Colitis, constipation, and anal sac diseases are medical problems that can affect defecation. Cat urinary tract infections, parasites, feline metabolic diseases and many other cat illnesses can also be reasons for improper defecation.

As a cat ages, he loses some of his mobility and sensory functions. Medical conditions can affect the nerves, muscles, or joints making him uncomfortable and unable to climb into the litter box. A box with shallow sides will help him. Also, keeping the litter box in the same location can aid with sensory deprivation in finding the right location.

The only way to determine if a condition is medical is with a complete physical. It will begin with a urinalysis and in some cases additional diagnostic tests that may include blood tests, radiographs, or a urine culture.

Untreated conditions can lead to more serious problems including possible organ damage especially if the kidneys are involved.

Feeding the wrong food is another area of concern. Onions and garlic, shallots, and scallions can cause damage a cat’s red blood cells and lead to anemia. Affected cats may show symptoms of lethargy, weakness, reduced appetite, pale gums, and orange to dark red urine.

Consuming raw eggs, raw meat, and bones can lead to salmonella or E. Coli poisoning in cats. Symptoms may include vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy.

Chocolate and caffeinated drinks can cause vomiting and diarrhea that can be fatal.

Alcohol and raw dough, milk and dairy products, and grapes and raisins are also toxic to cats. Never feed a cat table scraps.

Some owners like to feed their cats raw or canned tuna. It’s not a good idea to make tuna the main component of your cat’s diet as it contains mercury which is toxic to cats. A tuna-rich diet can lead to inactivity, lethargy, weight loss, and hunger. An occasional treat is okay.

Do not feed dog food to cats. Cats need a different set of nutrients than dogs.

Controlling your cat’s stress, getting regular check-ups, monitoring his diet, and alerting your veterinarian to any changes in his elimination are key elements for disease prevention.

Dr. Joanna Bronson of Bronson Veterinary Services, located at 452 W. Central Road, Coldwater. Contact her at (517) 369-2161 or visit

Dr. Joanna Bronson
Dr. Joanna Bronson

This article originally appeared on The Daily Reporter: Opinion