Veterinary Viewpoint: Keeping dogs safe in winter

Being trapped indoors during inclement weather is bad for everyone. Fresh air is necessary for good health.

If the weather prohibits the usual outdoor exercise, dogs can get sick during the colder months.

The most common illnesses include kennel cough, frostbite, hypothermia, pneumonia, arthritic flares, and injuries.

Dr. Joanna Bronson
Dr. Joanna Bronson

Proactive vaccinations for common illnesses and the practice of keeping pets away from crowded areas where dogs congregate helps diminish the spread of disease.

Thankfully, most kennels, boarding and grooming facilities now require client proof of vaccination.

Some breeds and individuals tolerate the cold better than others. Factors to consider include: coat length, thickness, and texture, age, amount of body fat, activity level, and overall health.

Very young and very old pets, small pets, hairless varieties, those and suffering from chronic diseases, (heart, arthritis, kidney, diabetes, and Cushing’s Disease) are more likely to experience difficulty keeping warm.

Hypothermia (lowered core body temperature) can happen when pets are exposed to extreme cold for an extended time period, especially if their fur and skin remain wet.

Suspect hypothermia if the dog appears pale, is shivering, and lethargic. In extreme cases, the dog will stop shivering and becomes increasingly quiet. This stage can easily move into a dangerous comatose state.

If a pet is suffering from hypothermia, this is a RED ALERT situation. Call your veterinarian. Meanwhile, slowly begin rewarming the dog by wrapping him in warm blankets. Place a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel on his abdomen. This will help his vital organs reheat. Offer warm not hot water to drink.

Frostbite freezes and kills skin cells. It attacks the paws, nose, ear tips, and tail after exposure to extreme cold temperatures. The pet’s skin will appear pale, bluish-white or gray and it will feel much colder and firmer than the surrounding skin.

This is also a RED ALERT situation. In the meantime, try warming the frostbitten areas with warm, moist towels, changing them often as they cool. Make sure the towels are not hot to avoid burns. Do not rub the frostbitten area to avoid doing damage to the tissue. As circulation returns, the skin will begin to redden.

Unfortunately, the products that make our walks, steps, and driveways safer is very toxic to dogs. Poisoning from anti-freeze, ice-melt, and salt is very common during the winter months.

It only takes a few drops of anti-freeze to kill a small dog, puppy, cat, or kitten. Its’ sweet smell attracts pets, so even the smallest spill or leak needs to be safely removed. Pets don’t have to ingest these products, they can absorb them on their paws and then lick them.

Drinking from puddles is also dangerous, as chemicals designed to melt ice can be toxic when ingested.

As a further warning, all household and outside chemicals should be kept out of a pet’s reach.

Protective foot wear can help keep pets safe when walking on sidewalks and roadways.

Pets should never be left outside without adequate shelter and access to clean water and food. If the temperature is below freezing, no pet should be left outside.

A raised bed or sleeping spot should stand a few inches off the ground. Wood shavings, straw, along with a door flap to keep out the wind are sufficient for cold weather dogs unless the temperature drops below freezing. Blankets are not recommended since they can get wet and freeze.

For indoor pets, insulated coats and water-resistant booties can make trips outside more bearable for most dogs.

All dogs should be taken outside for elimination to avoid health issues such as bladder infections, unless trained to use potty pads,

Heated beds and or pads can be helpful for sick or aging pets, but pets should never be left alone or have direct contact with a heated appliance, especially for pets that good like to chew.

Some breeds can actually overheat even in a house. Pugs, and other brachycephalic breeds, long-haired dogs and those with thick coats should not be subjected to temperatures over 75 degrees inside.

Routine grooming should continue during the winter months and routine bathing is also recommended, though dogs should always be thoroughly dry before allowed outside.

Regular brushing helps keep on top of any hidden lumps, bumps, or sores that a winter coat may hide.  For safety, when dogs come inside, check for snow or mud balls that might be lodged between their pads and for any skin cracks and cuts.

Dr. Joanna Bronson of Bronson Veterinary Services, located at 452 W. Central Road, Coldwater. Contact her at 517-369-2161 or visit

This article originally appeared on Sturgis Journal: Veterinary Viewpoint: Keeping dogs safe in winter